home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // 1. INCLUDES -----------------------------------------------------------
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h> // struct NewMenu
- #include <devices/timer.h> // struct timeval
- #include <dos/dosextens.h> // struct Process
- #include <libraries/asl.h> // ASL_FileRequest
- #include <dos/dostags.h> // SYS_Output
- #include <dos/datetime.h> // struct DateTime
- #include <libraries/locale.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <hardware/custom.h>
- #include <hardware/dmabits.h>
- #include <ctype.h> // toupper()
- #include <stdlib.h> /* EXIT_SUCCESS, etc. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h> // strcpy(), etc.
- // #include <assert.h>
- #include "saga.h"
- #define CATCOMP_CODE
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // OpenLibrary(), etc.
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h> // Object, etc.
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
- #include <clib/timer_protos.h>
- #include <clib/locale_protos.h> // GetCatalogStr()
- #include <clib/asl_protos.h>
- #include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>
- #include "saga_strings.h"
- // #define ASSERT
- // 2. DEFINES ------------------------------------------------------------
- #define QUICKMOVES
- // #define EXTRAVERBOSE
- // version-dependent constants
- #define TITLEBAR "Saga 1.4b"
- #define VERSION "$VER: Saga 1.4b (28.6.2004)"
- #define RELEASEDATE "28-Jun-04"
- #define COPYRIGHT "© 2002-2004 Amigan Software"
- #define CONFIGLENGTH 23
- #define SAVELENGTH 577
- #define SCOREDISTANCE 13
- #define MESSAGEY (TBSIZE + 473)
- // scancodes
- #define SCAN_Q 16
- #define ESCAPE 69
- #define SCAN_RIGHT 78
- #define SCAN_LEFT 79
- #define SCAN_F1 80
- #define SCAN_F2 81
- #define SCAN_F3 82
- #define SCAN_F4 83
- #define SCAN_F5 84
- #define SCAN_F6 85
- #define HELP 95
- #define LASTQUALIFIER 103
- #define KEYUP 128 /* key release */
- #define HERO_STRENGTH 5
- #define HERO_MOVES 4
- STRPTR trueheroname[HEROES + 1] =
- { "Beowulf",
- "Brunhild",
- "Egil",
- "Ragnar",
- "Siegfried",
- "Starkad"
- }, cycleheroname[HEROES + 1] =
- { " Beowulf:",
- " Brunhild:",
- " Egil:",
- " Ragnar:",
- "Siegfried:",
- " Starkad:"
- };
- #define BLACK 0
- #define WHITE 1
- #define LIGHTGREY 2
- #define MEDIUMGREY 3
- #define DARKGREY 4
- #define GREEN 5
- #define BLUE 6
- #define ORANGE 86
- #define PURPLE 87
- #define RED 88
- #define MN_PROJECT 0
- #define MN_SETTINGS 1
- #define MN_HELP 2
- #define IN_NEW 0
- #define IN_OPEN 1
- #define IN_SAVE 3
- #define IN_SAVEAS 4
- #define IN_QUIT 6
- #define IN_SHOW_TITLEBAR 0
- #define IN_GAME_SUMMARY 0
- #define IN_HELP_1 2
- #define IN_HELP_2 3
- #define IN_HELP_3 4
- #define IN_HELP_4 5
- #define IN_ABOUT 7
- #define INDEX_PROJECT 0
- #define INDEX_NEW 1
- #define INDEX_OPEN 2
- #define INDEX_SAVE 4
- #define INDEX_SAVE_AS 5
- #define INDEX_QUIT 7
- #define INDEX_SETTINGS 8
- #define INDEX_HELP 10
- #define INDEX_HELP_1 13
- #define INDEX_HELP_2 14
- #define INDEX_HELP_3 15
- #define INDEX_HELP_4 16
- #define INDEX_ABOUT 18
- #define SUMMARYWIDTH 378
- #define SUMMARYHEIGHT 42 // +10 per extra line (heading is already factored in)
- #define ABOUTLINES 3
- #define MENUENTRIES 19 // counting from 0
- // 3. EXPORTED VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------
- AGLOBAL struct GfxBase* GfxBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct GadToolsBase* GadToolsBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct IntuitionBase* IntuitionBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct LocaleBase* LocaleBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct Library* TimerBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct ASLBase* ASLBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct DiskFontBase* DiskFontBase = NULL;
- AGLOBAL STRPTR monstertypes[8];
- AGLOBAL SLONG faxirides,
- monsters,
- treasures;
- AGLOBAL TEXT onekey[ONEKEYS + 1] = {'Y', 'N', 'W', 'R', 'T', 'G', 'L'};
- AGLOBAL TEXT saystring[256 + 1],
- saystring2[256 + 1],
- numberstring[13 + 1],
- label[17 + 1][40 + 1],
- line[2][MAXLINES + 1][80 + 1];
- EXPORT FLAG advanced = TRUE;
- AGLOBAL struct Window *MainWindowPtr = NULL,
- *HelpWindowPtr = NULL,
- *InfoWindowPtr = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct LocaleInfo li;
- AGLOBAL struct Screen* ScreenPtr = NULL;
- AGLOBAL struct ScreenBuffer* ScreenBuf[2] = {NULL, NULL};
- // 4. IMPORTED VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------
- IMPORT struct ExecBase* SysBase;
- IMPORT struct Custom custom;
- IMPORT struct WorldStruct world[36 + 30];
- IMPORT struct RuneStruct rune[RUNES + 1];
- IMPORT struct TreasureStruct treasure[TREASURES + 1];
- IMPORT struct HeroStruct hero[HEROES + 1];
- IMPORT struct JarlStruct jarl[JARLS + 1];
- IMPORT struct SordStruct sord[SORDS + 1];
- IMPORT struct MonsterStruct monster[MONSTERS + 1];
- // 5. MODULE VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------
- MODULE STRPTR CycleOptions[4];
- MODULE WORD speed = 4;
- MODULE UBYTE IOBuffer[600];
- MODULE APTR OldWindowPtr = NULL;
- dbuf = FALSE,
- cliload = FALSE,
- nodbuf = FALSE,
- saveconfig = FALSE,
- first = TRUE,
- titlebar = TRUE,
- gameover,
- loaded;
- MODULE TEXT abouttitle[80 + 1],
- titlestring[80 + 1],
- pathname[256 + 1];
- DisplayWidth = SCREENXPIXEL,
- DisplayHeight = SCREENYPIXEL;
- MODULE struct RDArgs* ArgsPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct FileRequester* ASLRqPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct Process* ProcessPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct Menu* MenuPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct VisualInfo* VisualInfoPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct TextFont* FontPtr = NULL;
- MODULE struct Gadget *SpeedGadgetPtr = NULL,
- *CycleGadgetPtr[HEROES + 1] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},
- *AdvancedGadgetPtr = NULL,
- *GListPtr = NULL,
- *PrevGadgetPtr = NULL;
- MODULE SLONG tickspeed[6 + 1] = {2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, -1};
- // 6. MODULE STRUCTURES --------------------------------------------------
- MODULE struct
- { UBYTE red, green, blue;
- } taxcolours[10 + 1] =
- { { 0, 5, 0 }, // tax 0 (unused)
- { 1, 6, 1 }, // tax 1 (unused)
- { 2, 7, 2 }, // tax 2
- { 3, 8, 3 }, // tax 3
- { 4, 9, 4 }, // tax 4
- { 5, 10, 5 }, // tax 5
- { 6, 11, 6 }, // tax 6
- { 7, 12, 7 }, // tax 7
- { 8, 13, 8 }, // tax 8
- { 9, 14, 9 }, // tax 9
- { 10, 15, 10 } // tax 10
- };
- MODULE struct
- { WORD x, y;
- TEXT text[80 + 1];
- } about[ABOUTLINES + 1] =
- { {72, 27},
- {72, 35},
- {72, 51},
- {72, 59}
- };
- MODULE struct NewMenu NewMenu[MENUENTRIES + 1] =
- { { NM_TITLE, "", 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 0
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 1
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 2
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 3
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 4
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 5
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 6
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 7
- { NM_TITLE, "", 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 8
- { NM_ITEM, "", "", CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE, 0, 0}, // 9
- { NM_TITLE, "", 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 10
- { NM_ITEM, "", "" , 0, 0, 0}, // 11 (game summary)
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 12 (------------)
- { NM_ITEM, "", "1", 0, 0, 0}, // 13 (help 1)
- { NM_ITEM, "", "2", 0, 0, 0}, // 14 (help 2)
- { NM_ITEM, "", "3", 0, 0, 0}, // 15 (help 3)
- { NM_ITEM, "", "4", 0, 0, 0}, // 16 (help 4)
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0}, // 17 (------------)
- { NM_ITEM, "", "?", 0, 0, 0}, // 18 (about)
- { NM_END, NULL, 0 , 0, 0, 0} // 19
- };
- // These are better to not be allocated on the stack
- MODULE ULONG table1[] = {(8L << 16) + 0,
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 0 (BLACK)
- 0x99999999, 0x99999999, 0x99999999, // 3 (MEDIUMGREY)
- 0x66666666, 0x66666666, 0x66666666, // 4 (DARKGREY)
- 0x66666666, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x66666666, // 5 (GREEN)
- 0x88888888, 0x88888888, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 6 (BLUE)
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 7
- 0};
- MODULE ULONG table2[] = {(54L << 16) + 74,
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, // 74
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0x00000000, // 75
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x99999999, 0x00000000, // 76
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x66666666, 0x00000000, // 77
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x33333333, 0x00000000, // 78
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 79
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 80
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x99999999, // 81
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 82
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x99999999, // 83
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 84
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x99999999, // 85
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xBBBBBBBB, 0x33333333, // 86 (ORANGE)
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x88888888, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 87 (PURPLE)
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x55555555, 0x55555555, // 88 (RED)
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 89
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 90
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 91
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 92
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 93
- 0x10101010, 0x14141414, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 94
- 0x1F1F1F1F, 0x23232323, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 95
- 0x2E2E2E2E, 0x32323232, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 96
- 0x3D3D3D3D, 0x41414141, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 97
- 0x4C4C4C4C, 0x4F4F4F4F, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 98
- 0x5B5B5B5B, 0x5E5E5E5E, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 99
- 0x6A6A6A6A, 0x6D6D6D6D, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 100
- 0x79797979, 0x7C7C7C7C, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 101
- 0x87878787, 0x89898989, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 102
- 0x96969696, 0x98989898, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 103
- 0xA5A5A5A5, 0xA7A7A7A7, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 104
- 0xB4B4B4B4, 0xB6B6B6B6, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 105
- 0xC3C3C3C3, 0xC4C4C4C4, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 106
- 0xD2D2D2D2, 0xD3D3D3D3, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 107
- 0xE1E1E1E1, 0xE2E2E2E2, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 108
- 0xF0F0F0F0, 0xF1F1F1F1, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 109
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 111
- 0x00000000, 0x88888888, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 112
- 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 113
- 0x99999999, 0x99999999, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 114
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 115
- 0x99999999, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x99999999, // 116
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 117
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0x99999999, // 118
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 119
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x99999999, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 120
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 121
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x99999999, // 122
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 123
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 125
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 126 (boing red)
- 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 127 (boing white)
- 0};
- MODULE struct NewGadget SpeedGadget =
- { 300, TBSIZE + 296,
- 128, 13,
- "",
- }, AdvancedGadget =
- { 300, TBSIZE + 320,
- 0, 0,
- "",
- }, CycleGadget[HEROES + 1] = {
- { 300, TBSIZE + 200,
- 128, 13,
- },
- { 300, TBSIZE + 213,
- 128, 13,
- },
- { 300, TBSIZE + 226,
- 128, 13,
- },
- { 300, TBSIZE + 239,
- 128, 13,
- },
- { 300, TBSIZE + 252,
- 128, 13,
- },
- { 300, TBSIZE + 265,
- 128, 13,
- }
- };
- MODULE SLONG cycleheropos[HEROES + 1] =
- { 2,
- 3,
- 5,
- 3,
- 0,
- 3
- };
- MODULE struct
- { UBYTE red, green, blue;
- } herocolour[HEROES + 1] =
- { { 15, 12, 6}, // orange
- { 15, 6, 6}, // red
- { 15, 15, 3}, // yellow
- { 6, 15, 15}, // cyan
- { 10, 10, 15}, // light blue
- { 15, 6, 15} // purple
- };
- // 7. MODULE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
- MODULE void gameloop(void);
- MODULE void newgame(void);
- MODULE void clearkybd(void);
- MODULE void titlescreen(void);
- MODULE void helpabout(void);
- MODULE void resettime(void);
- MODULE FLAG loadgame(FLAG aslwindow);
- MODULE void savegame(FLAG saveas);
- MODULE SLONG checkcountry(WORD mousex, WORD mousey);
- MODULE void infowindow(SLONG countertype, SLONG whichcounter);
- MODULE void flash(SLONG country);
- MODULE void summarywindow(void);
- MODULE void cycle(SLONG whichhero, UWORD qual);
- MODULE void docwindow(SLONG number);
- MODULE void infoloop(void);
- // 8. CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- { struct DisplayInfo QueryInfo;
- struct TextAttr WormWars8 =
- }, Topaz8 =
- };
- struct DateTime DateTime;
- struct ScreenModeRequester* smr;
- BPTR FileHandle /* = NULL */ ;
- FLAG ok;
- TEXT datestring[LEN_DATSTRING],
- weekdaystring[LEN_DATSTRING],
- tempstring[1 + 1],
- smrstring[80 + 1],
- supergels[2];
- SLONG whichcountry, whichhero,
- args[7 + 1] = {0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
- ULONG fonttag,
- publictag;
- UWORD Pens[13] =
- { BLACK, /* DETAILPEN text in title bar */
- WHITE, /* BLOCKPEN fill title bar */
- BLACK, /* TEXTPEN regular text on BACKGROUNDPEN */
- LIGHTGREY, /* SHINEPEN bright edge */
- DARKGREY, /* SHADOWPEN dark edge */
- BLUE, /* FILLPEN filling active window borders
- and selected gadgets */
- BLACK, /* FILLTEXTPEN text rendered over FILLPEN */
- MEDIUMGREY,/* BACKGROUNDPEN background colour */
- and used against BLOCKPEN in ASL
- save requesters */
- BLACK, /* BARDETAILPEN text/detail in screen-bar/menus */
- WHITE, /* BARBLOCKPEN screen-bar/menus fill */
- BLACK, /* BARTRIMPEN trim under screen-bar */
- (UWORD) ~0 /* and used against BLOCKPEN in ASL save requesters */
- };
- /* Colour allocations are as follows:
- colours 0-6 are used by the game itself.
- colour 7 is the black of the map.
- colours 8-43 are map land colours, except that
- colours 17-19 are mouse pointer colours.
- colours 44-73 are map sea colours.
- colours 74-79 are used for the Amigan Software logo.
- colour 80 is Scandian coastline.
- colour 81 is Scandian sea.
- colour 82 is Pictish coastline.
- colour 83 is Pictish sea.
- colour 84 is Hebridean coastline.
- colour 85 is Hebridean sea.
- colours 86-88 are used by the game itself.
- colour 89 is Suder Gotland land (replacement for colour 17).
- colour 90 is Juteland land (replacement for colour 18).
- colour 91 is Scandian land (replacement for colour 19).
- colour 92 is used for the Amigan Software logo.
- colours 93-110 are used for the Saga logo.
- colours 111-113 are used for the Amigan Software logo.
- colours 114-125 are used for counter colours:
- 114/115: heroes
- 116/117: jarls
- 118/119: monsters
- 120/121: swords
- 122/123: treasures
- 124/125: selected counters
- colours 126-127 are colours for the chequered boing ball animation.
- Start of program.
- version embedding into executable */
- if (0) /* that is, never */
- { Printf("%s\n", VERSION);
- }
- // It would be good to seed the random number generator with the time.
- // before the first possible point of failure
- init_counters();
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].hero = -1;
- }
- pathname[0] = 0;
- if (!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 39L)))
- { strcpy(saystring, "Saga: Can't open intuition.library V39+!)\n");
- Write(Output(), saystring, strlen(saystring));
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- ProcessPtr = (struct Process *) FindTask(NULL);
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 36L)
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open exec.library V36+!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- // From this point onwards, we can be sure we have Kickstart 2.0+...
- if (GetVar("cybergfx/supergels", supergels, 2, NULL) == 1)
- { if (supergels[0] == '1')
- { Printf("Saga: ENV:cybergfx/supergels must be cleared to 0 before playing!\n");
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } }
- MSG_CHAR_FOO messages are single-character strings which are the
- first letter of the relevant word. MSG_UNCHAR_FOO messages are the
- rest of the word. Eg. in English, MSG_CHAR_GLORY is "G" and
- MSG_UNCHAR_GLORY is "lory". They must each be different among their
- 'set' (yes/no, glory/luck, restart/transfer/withdraw). */
- li.li_Catalog = NULL;
- if (LocaleBase = (struct LocaleBase *) OpenLibrary("locale.library", 38))
- { li.li_LocaleBase = LocaleBase;
- li.li_Catalog = OpenCatalog(NULL, "Saga.catalog", TAG_DONE);
- }
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_YES, "Y"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_YES] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_NO, "N"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_NO] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_WITHDRAW, "W"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_WITHDRAW] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_RESTART, "R"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_RESTART] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_TRANSFER, "T"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_TRANSFER] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_GLORY, "G"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_GLORY] = tempstring[0];
- strcpy(tempstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_LUCK, "L"));
- onekey[ONEKEY_LUCK] = tempstring[0];
- CycleOptions[0] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GADGET_NONE, "None");
- CycleOptions[1] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HUMAN, "Human");
- CycleOptions[2] = "Amiga";
- CycleOptions[3] = NULL;
- strcpy(abouttitle, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ABOUT, "About"));
- strcat(abouttitle, " Saga");
- strcpy(about[0].text, TITLEBAR);
- about[1].text[0] = 0;
- DateTime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- DateTime.dat_Flags = NULL;
- DateTime.dat_StrDate = RELEASEDATE;
- DateTime.dat_StrDay = NULL;
- DateTime.dat_StrTime = NULL;
- DateTime.dat_Stamp.ds_Minute = 0;
- DateTime.dat_Stamp.ds_Tick = 0;
- if (StrToDate(&DateTime))
- { // DateTime.dat_Stamp is now filled
- DateTime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DEF;
- DateTime.dat_Flags = NULL;
- DateTime.dat_StrDate = datestring;
- DateTime.dat_StrDay = weekdaystring;
- DateTime.dat_StrTime = NULL;
- if (DateToStr(&DateTime))
- { strcpy(about[1].text, weekdaystring);
- strcat(about[1].text, " ");
- strcat(about[1].text, datestring);
- } }
- strcpy(about[2].text, COPYRIGHT);
- strcpy(about[3].text, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BY, "By"));
- strcat(about[3].text, " James R. Jacobs");
- monstertypes[0] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DRAGON, "Dragon");
- monstertypes[1] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DROW , "Drow" );
- monstertypes[2] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GIANT , "Giant" );
- monstertypes[3] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GHOST , "Ghost" );
- monstertypes[4] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TROLL , "Troll" );
- monstertypes[5] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WITCH , "Witch" );
- monstertypes[6] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HYDRA , "Hydra" );
- monstertypes[7] = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SEA_SERPENT, "Sea Serpent");
- rune[0].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_THE_GODS, "rune of the gods");
- rune[1].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TIME , "rune of time" );
- rune[2].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_PROPERTY, "rune of property");
- rune[3].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HEALING , "rune of healing" );
- rune[4].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FURY , "rune of fury" );
- rune[5].desc = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_THE_SUN , "rune of the sun" );
- for (whichcountry = 36; whichcountry <= 39; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ATLANTIC_OCEAN , "Atlantic Ocean" );
- }
- for (whichcountry = 40; whichcountry <= 42; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_IRISH_SEA , "Irish Sea" );
- }
- for (whichcountry = 43; whichcountry <= 44; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ENGLISH_CHANNEL, "English Channel");
- }
- for (whichcountry = 45; whichcountry <= 62; whichcountry++)
- { if (whichcountry < 47 || whichcountry > 48)
- { world[whichcountry].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NORTH_SEA , "North Sea" );
- } }
- for (whichcountry = 63; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALTIC_SEA, "Baltic Sea");
- }
- treasure[BROSUNGNECKLACE].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BROSUNG_NECKLACE , "Brosung Necklace");
- treasure[MAGICSHIRT].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAGIC_SHIRT , "Magic Shirt" );
- treasure[MAILCOAT].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAIL_COAT , "Mail Coat" );
- treasure[HEALINGPOTION].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HEALING_POTION , "Healing Potion" );
- treasure[TELEPORTSCROLL].name = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TELEPORT_SCROLL , "Teleport Scroll" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_PROJECT].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_PROJECT , "Project" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_NEW].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NEW , "New" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_NEW].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_NEW , "N" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_OPEN].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OPEN , "Open..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_OPEN].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_OPEN , "O" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SAVE].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SAVE , "Save" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SAVE].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_SAVE , "S" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SAVE_AS].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SAVE_AS , "Save As..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SAVE_AS].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_SAVE_AS , "A" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_QUIT].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_QUIT , "Quit" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_QUIT].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_QUIT , "Q" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SETTINGS].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SETTINGS , "Settings" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SHOW_TITLEBAR].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHOW_TITLEBAR , "Show Titlebar?" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_SHOW_TITLEBAR].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_S_T_B , "B" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_HELP].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HELP , "Help" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_GAME_SUMMARY].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GAME_SUMMARY2 , "Game Summary..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_GAME_SUMMARY].nm_CommKey = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHORTCUT_GAME_SUMMARY, "G" );
- NewMenu[INDEX_HELP_1].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HELP_1 , "Runes..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_HELP_2].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HELP_2 , "Spells..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_HELP_3].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HELP_3 , "Swords..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_HELP_4].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HELP_4 , "Treasures..." );
- NewMenu[INDEX_ABOUT].nm_Label = GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ABOUT2 , "About..." );
- // we run in English if there is a locale problem
- resettime();
- if (!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 39L)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open graphics.library V39+!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (!(GadToolsBase = (struct GadToolsBase *) OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 0L)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open gadtools.library!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (!(ASLBase = (struct ASLBase *) OpenLibrary("asl.library", 38L)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open ASL.library V38+!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if
- ( (DiskFontBase = (struct DiskFontBase *) OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 0L))
- && (FontPtr = (struct TextFont *) OpenDiskFont(&WormWars8))
- )
- { fonttag = (ULONG) &WormWars8;
- } else
- { fonttag = (ULONG) &Topaz8;
- }
- hero[BEOWULF ].control = HUMAN;
- hero[BRUNHILD ].control = NONE;
- hero[EGIL ].control = NONE;
- hero[RAGNAR ].control = AMIGA;
- hero[SIEGFRIED].control = NONE;
- hero[STARKAD ].control = NONE;
- ok = FALSE;
- if (FileHandle = Open("PROGDIR:Saga.config", MODE_OLDFILE))
- { if (Read(FileHandle, IOBuffer, CONFIGLENGTH) == CONFIGLENGTH)
- { ok = TRUE;
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { hero[whichhero].control = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[whichhero]);
- }
- DisplayID = (ULONG) ( (IOBuffer[ 6] * 16777216)
- + (IOBuffer[ 7] * 65536)
- + (IOBuffer[ 8] * 256)
- + IOBuffer[ 9] );
- DisplayWidth = (ULONG) ( (IOBuffer[10] * 16777216)
- + (IOBuffer[11] * 65536)
- + (IOBuffer[12] * 256)
- + IOBuffer[13] );
- DisplayHeight = (ULONG) ( (IOBuffer[14] * 16777216)
- + (IOBuffer[15] * 65536)
- + (IOBuffer[16] * 256)
- + IOBuffer[17] );
- DisplayDepth = (UWORD) ( (IOBuffer[18] * 256)
- + IOBuffer[19] );
- speed = (WORD) IOBuffer[20];
- titlebar = (FLAG) IOBuffer[21];
- advanced = (FLAG) IOBuffer[22];
- }
- Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- }
- if (advanced)
- { monsters = 30;
- treasures = 5;
- } else
- { monsters = 26;
- treasures = 3;
- }
- /* argument parsing */
- if (argc) /* started from CLI */
- { if (!(ArgsPtr = ReadArgs
- (LONG *) args,
- )))
- { Printf
- ( "%s: %s "
- "[[FILE=]<savedgame>]\n",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_USAGE, "Usage"),
- argv[0]
- );
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (args[whichhero])
- { if (!stricmp((STRPTR) args[whichhero], "HUMAN"))
- { hero[whichhero].control = HUMAN;
- } elif (!stricmp((STRPTR) args[whichhero], "AMIGA"))
- { hero[whichhero].control = AMIGA;
- } elif (!stricmp((STRPTR) args[whichhero], "NONE"))
- { hero[whichhero].control = NONE;
- } else
- { Printf("%s: Hero control must be HUMAN, AMIGA or NONE\n", argv[0]); // localize?
- } } }
- if (args[6])
- { nodbuf = TRUE;
- }
- if (args[7])
- { strcpy(pathname, (STRPTR) args[7]);
- cliload = TRUE;
- } }
- strcpy(smrstring, "Saga: ");
- strcat(smrstring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_S_M_R, "Screen Mode Requester"));
- if (!ok)
- { if (!(smr = (struct ScreenModeRequester *) AllocAslRequestTags
- ( ASL_ScreenModeRequest,
- ASLSM_TitleText, smrstring,
- ASLSM_InitialDisplayWidth, SCREENXPIXEL,
- ASLSM_InitialDisplayHeight, SCREENYPIXEL,
- ASLSM_InitialDisplayDepth, DEPTH,
- ASLSM_DoWidth, TRUE,
- ASLSM_DoHeight, TRUE,
- ASLSM_DoDepth, TRUE,
- ASLSM_MinDepth, DEPTH,
- )))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't create ASL screen mode request!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (AslRequest(smr, 0L))
- { DisplayID = smr->sm_DisplayID;
- DisplayWidth = smr->sm_DisplayWidth;
- DisplayHeight = smr->sm_DisplayHeight;
- DisplayDepth = smr->sm_DisplayDepth;
- FreeAslRequest(smr);
- } else
- { FreeAslRequest(smr);
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- } }
- if
- ( GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *) &QueryInfo, sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, DisplayID)
- && (QueryInfo.PropertyFlags & DIPF_IS_PAL)
- )
- { aga = TRUE;
- if (!nodbuf)
- { dbuf = TRUE;
- // Printf("Saga: Double buffering activated.\n");
- } }
- if (LockPubScreen("SAGA"))
- { publictag = TAG_IGNORE;
- } else
- { publictag = SA_PubName;
- }
- ScreenPtr = (struct Screen *) OpenScreenTags
- ( NULL,
- SA_Width, DisplayWidth,
- SA_Height, DisplayHeight,
- SA_Depth, DisplayDepth,
- SA_DisplayID, DisplayID,
- SA_Behind, TRUE,
- SA_AutoScroll, TRUE,
- SA_ShowTitle, titlebar,
- SA_Font, fonttag,
- publictag, "SAGA",
- SA_Colors32, table1,
- SA_Pens, Pens,
- ); // we can't use interleaving on AGA screens if we want double buffering
- if (!ScreenPtr)
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open screen!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- saveconfig = TRUE;
- if (publictag == SA_PubName)
- { PubScreenStatus(ScreenPtr, NULL); // take the screen public
- }
- for (whichcountry = 36; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { SetRGB32(&ScreenPtr->ViewPort, 8 + whichcountry, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x99999999);
- }
- LoadRGB32(&(ScreenPtr->ViewPort), table2);
- // this must be done before the menus are set up
- if (titlebar)
- }
- /* GadTools */
- if (!(VisualInfoPtr = (APTR) GetVisualInfo(ScreenPtr, TAG_DONE)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't get GadTools visual info!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { CycleGadget[whichhero].ng_VisualInfo = VisualInfoPtr;
- }
- SpeedGadget.ng_VisualInfo =
- AdvancedGadget.ng_VisualInfo = VisualInfoPtr;
- if (!(MenuPtr = (struct Menu *) CreateMenus(NewMenu, TAG_DONE)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't create menus!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (!(LayoutMenus(MenuPtr, VisualInfoPtr, GTMN_NewLookMenus, TRUE, TAG_DONE)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't lay out menus!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (!(PrevGadgetPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateContext(&GListPtr)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't create GadTools context!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero] = PrevGadgetPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
- PrevGadgetPtr,
- &CycleGadget[whichhero],
- GTCY_Labels, CycleOptions,
- GTCY_Active, hero[whichhero].control,
- );
- }
- SpeedGadgetPtr = PrevGadgetPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
- PrevGadgetPtr,
- &SpeedGadget,
- GA_RelVerify, TRUE,
- GTSL_Min, 0,
- GTSL_Max, 6,
- GTSL_Level, speed,
- GT_Underscore, '_',
- );
- AdvancedGadgetPtr = PrevGadgetPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
- PrevGadgetPtr,
- &AdvancedGadget,
- GA_RelVerify, TRUE,
- GTCB_Checked, (BOOL) advanced,
- GT_Underscore, '_',
- );
- if (dbuf)
- { if (!(ScreenBuf[0] = AllocScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, NULL, SB_SCREEN_BITMAP)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't allocate original screen buffer!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } }
- /* main window */
- if (!(MainWindowPtr = (struct Window *) OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Width, DisplayWidth,
- WA_Height, DisplayHeight,
- WA_Backdrop, TRUE,
- WA_Gadgets, GListPtr,
- WA_CustomScreen, ScreenPtr,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_NewLookMenus, TRUE,
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open window!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- /* We could use SCREENXPIXEL and SCREENYPIXEL instead, except that titlebar hiding
- would not then work correctly. */
- /* redirection of AmigaDOS system requesters */
- OldWindowPtr = ProcessPtr->pr_WindowPtr;
- ProcessPtr->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR) MainWindowPtr;
- if (!(ASLRqPtr = AllocAslRequestTags(ASL_FileRequest, ASL_Pattern, "#?.saga", ASL_Window, MainWindowPtr, TAG_DONE)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't create ASL file request!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- SetMenuStrip(MainWindowPtr, MenuPtr);
- createcounters();
- ScreenToFront(ScreenPtr);
- while (1)
- { titlescreen();
- if (!loaded)
- { newgame();
- }
- gameloop();
- } }
- MODULE void gameloop(void)
- { SLONG bestglory = 0,
- besthero = -1, // to avoid spurious compiler warnings
- countertype,
- fastest,
- heroes = 0,
- strongest,
- strongestjarl,
- result,
- whichhero,
- whichjarl,
- whichcountry,
- whichmonster,
- whichtreasure,
- whichsord,
- winners = 0;
- FLAG transfer;
- do
- { strcpy(titlestring, TITLEBAR);
- strcat(titlestring, ": ");
- sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %ld %s %ld",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TURN, "Turn"),
- turn,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OF, "of"),
- );
- strcat(titlestring, saystring);
- strcat(saystring, "...");
- SetWindowTitles(MainWindowPtr, (UBYTE *) -1, titlestring); // this is not copied, it is a pointer
- say(LOWER);
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK")
- );
- result = getevent(MULTIKEYBOARD, NULL);
- if (result == -4)
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { hero[whichhero].alive = FALSE;
- hero[whichhero].verydead = TRUE;
- }
- gameover = TRUE;
- }
- if (!gameover)
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (!hero[whichhero].alive && !hero[whichhero].verydead)
- { transfer = FALSE;
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].alive && jarl[whichjarl].hero == whichhero)
- { transfer = TRUE;
- break; // for speed
- } }
- if (hero[whichhero].control == AMIGA)
- { if (transfer)
- { strongest = fastest = strongestjarl = 0;
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { if
- ( jarl[whichjarl].alive
- && jarl[whichjarl].hero == whichhero
- )
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].strength > strongest)
- { strongest = jarl[whichjarl].strength;
- fastest = jarl[whichjarl].moves;
- strongestjarl = whichjarl;
- } elif (jarl[whichjarl].strength == strongest)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].moves > fastest)
- { strongest = jarl[whichjarl].strength;
- fastest = jarl[whichjarl].moves;
- strongestjarl = whichjarl;
- } } } }
- sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %s %s %s (%ld-%ld).",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DEAD_HERO, "Dead hero"),
- hero[whichhero].name,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_PROMOTES_JARL, "promotes jarl"),
- jarl[strongestjarl].name,
- jarl[strongestjarl].strength,
- jarl[strongestjarl].moves
- );
- promote(whichhero, strongestjarl); // order-dependent
- } else
- { if (turn > TURNS / 2)
- { withdraw(whichhero);
- sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %s %s.",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DEAD_HERO, "Dead hero"),
- hero[whichhero].name,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WITHDRAWS_FROM_PLAY, "withdraws from play")
- );
- } else
- { newhero(whichhero, FALSE);
- sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %s %s.",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DEAD_HERO, "Dead hero"),
- hero[whichhero].name,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RESTARTS, "restarts")
- );
- } }
- say(LOWER);
- anykey();
- } elif (hero[whichhero].control == HUMAN)
- { sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %s, (%s)%s/(%s)%s",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DEAD_HERO, "Dead hero"),
- hero[whichhero].name,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_WITHDRAW, "W"),
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNCHAR_WITHDRAW, "ithdraw"),
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_RESTART, "R"),
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNCHAR_RESTART, "estart")
- );
- if (transfer)
- { sprintf
- ( saystring2,
- "/(%s)%s?",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_TRANSFER, "T"),
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNCHAR_TRANSFER, "ransfer")
- );
- strcat(saystring, saystring2);
- } else
- { strcat(saystring, "?");
- }
- say(LOWER);
- do
- { result = getevent(WRKEYBOARD, NULL);
- } while
- ( result != onekey[ONEKEY_WITHDRAW]
- && result != onekey[ONEKEY_RESTART]
- && (!transfer || result != onekey[ONEKEY_TRANSFER])
- );
- if (result == onekey[ONEKEY_TRANSFER])
- { sprintf
- ( saystring,
- "%s %s, %s?",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_DEAD_HERO, "Dead hero"),
- hero[whichhero].name,
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_S_W_J_T_P, "select which jarl to promote")
- );
- say(LOWER);
- do
- { whichjarl = getevent(COUNTER, &countertype);
- } while
- ( whichjarl < 0
- || countertype != JARL
- || jarl[whichjarl].hero != whichhero
- );
- promote(whichhero, whichjarl);
- } elif (result == onekey[ONEKEY_WITHDRAW])
- { withdraw(whichhero);
- } elif (result == onekey[ONEKEY_RESTART])
- { newhero(whichhero, FALSE);
- } } } }
- phase1(); // movement
- phase2(); // combat
- phase3(); // kingdoms
- /* "4. PLACE MONSTERS. A number of monsters equal to the number
- of heroes in play are randomly placed face up by rolling two dice
- and placing the monster in the area indicated. (This is done every
- turn until all counters are used. "Dead" monsters may not be
- reused."
- It's arguable whether monsters and jarls should be added
- at the end of the last turn. A strict reading of the rules
- would indicate that they should, but in practical terms it
- is better not to - adding them causes the new counters to
- appear on screen just before the screen is blanked, which
- is an annoying effect. */
- if (turn < TURNS)
- { place_monsters(); // phase 4
- /* "5. PLACE jarls. A number of jarls equal to the number of
- heroes in play are randomly placed face up by rolling two dice
- and placing the jarl in the area indicated. (This is done every
- turn until all counters are used. "Dead" jarls may not be
- reused." */
- place_jarls(); // phase 5
- refreshcounters();
- }
- /* 6. MARK TURN. One turn is marked off. */
- turn++;
- }
- } while (turn <= TURNS && !gameover);
- /* "At the end of the 20th turn the game is over and players total
- their glory to determine who has won. The turn should be marked off on
- each player's record sheet." */
- screenoff();
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { remove_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARL; whichjarl++)
- { remove_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { remove_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { remove_treasure(whichtreasure, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { remove_sord(whichsord, FALSE);
- }
- // no reason to call refreshcounters() as we are about to blank the screen
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].hero = -1;
- }
- SetRast(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- screenon();
- if (!gameover)
- { SetDrMd(MainWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, LIGHTGREY);
- RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 - 70, 187 + TBSIZE, 320 + 70, 187 + TBSIZE + 11);
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HERO_NAME, "Hero Name"));
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 - 70 + 4, 187 + TBSIZE + 8);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, saystring, strlen(saystring));
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GLORY, "Glory"));
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 + 70 - (8 * 4) - 4 + (8 * (4 - strlen(saystring))), 187 + TBSIZE + 8);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, saystring, strlen(saystring));
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control != NONE)
- { heroes++;
- hero[whichhero].glory += hero[whichhero].wealth / 10;
- hero[whichhero].glory += hero[whichhero].luck / 3;
- if
- ( treasure[BROSUNGNECKLACE].possessortype == HERO
- && treasure[BROSUNGNECKLACE].possessor == whichhero
- )
- { hero[whichhero].wealth += 20;
- }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].alive && jarl[whichjarl].hero == whichhero)
- { hero[whichhero].glory += jarl[whichjarl].strength / 2;
- if
- ( treasure[BROSUNGNECKLACE].possessortype == JARL
- && treasure[BROSUNGNECKLACE].possessor == whichjarl
- )
- { hero[whichhero].wealth += 20;
- } } }
- if (hero[whichhero].glory >= 15)
- { SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, GREEN);
- } else
- { SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, RED);
- }
- RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 - 70, 187 + TBSIZE + (heroes * SCOREDISTANCE), 320 + 70, 187 + TBSIZE + 11 + (heroes * SCOREDISTANCE));
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 - 70 + 4, 187 + TBSIZE + 8 + (heroes * SCOREDISTANCE));
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, hero[whichhero].name, strlen(hero[whichhero].name));
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[whichhero].glory);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 320 + 70 - (8 * 4) - 4 + (8 * (4 - strlen(numberstring))), 187 + TBSIZE + 8 + (heroes * SCOREDISTANCE));
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, numberstring, strlen(numberstring));
- } }
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 340, 187 + TBSIZE);
- Draw(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 340, 187 + TBSIZE + ((heroes + 1) * SCOREDISTANCE));
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GAME_OVER, "Game over"));
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- if (heroes > 1)
- { // determine winner
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control != NONE && hero[whichhero].glory >= bestglory)
- { bestglory = hero[whichhero].glory;
- } }
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control != NONE && hero[whichhero].glory == bestglory)
- { winners++;
- besthero = whichhero;
- } }
- if (winners == 1)
- { strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, hero[besthero].name);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WINS, "wins"));
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- } }
- say(LOWER);
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK")
- );
- clearkybd();
- screenoff();
- SetRast(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- screenon();
- } }
- AGLOBAL void cleanexit(SLONG rc)
- { BPTR FileHandle /* = NULL */ ;
- SLONG whichhero;
- destroycounters();
- if (ASLRqPtr)
- { FreeAslRequest(ASLRqPtr);
- ASLRqPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (OldWindowPtr)
- { ProcessPtr->pr_WindowPtr = OldWindowPtr;
- }
- /* It does not matter whether there are outstanding messages for a
- window when it is closed, provided that the window does not use a
- shared IDCMP message port. */
- if (InfoWindowPtr)
- { CloseWindow(InfoWindowPtr);
- InfoWindowPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (HelpWindowPtr)
- { CloseWindow(HelpWindowPtr);
- HelpWindowPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (MainWindowPtr)
- { ClearMenuStrip(MainWindowPtr);
- CloseWindow(MainWindowPtr);
- MainWindowPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (GListPtr)
- { FreeGadgets(GListPtr);
- GListPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (MenuPtr)
- { FreeMenus(MenuPtr);
- MenuPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (VisualInfoPtr)
- { FreeVisualInfo(VisualInfoPtr);
- VisualInfoPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (ScreenPtr)
- { if (ScreenBuf[1])
- { FreeScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, ScreenBuf[1]);
- ScreenBuf[1] = NULL;
- }
- if (ScreenBuf[0])
- { FreeScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, ScreenBuf[0]);
- ScreenBuf[0] = NULL;
- }
- CloseScreen(ScreenPtr);
- ScreenPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (FontPtr)
- { CloseFont(FontPtr);
- FontPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (DiskFontBase)
- { CloseLibrary((struct Library *) DiskFontBase);
- DiskFontBase = NULL;
- }
- if (ASLBase)
- { CloseLibrary((struct Library *) ASLBase);
- ASLBase = NULL;
- }
- if (GadToolsBase)
- { CloseLibrary((struct Library *) GadToolsBase);
- GadToolsBase = NULL;
- }
- if (GfxBase)
- { CloseLibrary((struct Library *) GfxBase);
- GfxBase = NULL;
- }
- if (LocaleBase)
- { CloseCatalog(li.li_Catalog);
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *) LocaleBase);
- LocaleBase = NULL;
- }
- if (IntuitionBase)
- { OpenWorkBench();
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *) IntuitionBase);
- IntuitionBase = NULL;
- }
- if (ArgsPtr)
- { FreeArgs(ArgsPtr);
- ArgsPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (saveconfig)
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { IOBuffer[whichhero] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].control;
- }
- IOBuffer[ 6] = (UBYTE) (DisplayID / 16777216);
- IOBuffer[ 7] = (UBYTE) ((DisplayID % 16777216) / 65536);
- IOBuffer[ 8] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayID % 16777216) % 65536) / 256);
- IOBuffer[ 9] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayID % 16777216) % 65536) % 256);
- IOBuffer[10] = (UBYTE) (DisplayWidth / 16777216);
- IOBuffer[11] = (UBYTE) ((DisplayWidth % 16777216) / 65536);
- IOBuffer[12] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayWidth % 16777216) % 65536) / 256);
- IOBuffer[13] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayWidth % 16777216) % 65536) % 256);
- IOBuffer[14] = (UBYTE) (DisplayHeight / 16777216);
- IOBuffer[15] = (UBYTE) ((DisplayHeight % 16777216) / 65536);
- IOBuffer[16] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayHeight % 16777216) % 65536) / 256);
- IOBuffer[17] = (UBYTE) (((DisplayHeight % 16777216) % 65536) % 256);
- IOBuffer[18] = (UBYTE) (DisplayDepth / 65536);
- IOBuffer[19] = (UBYTE) (DisplayDepth % 65536);
- IOBuffer[20] = (UBYTE) speed;
- IOBuffer[21] = (UBYTE) titlebar;
- IOBuffer[22] = (UBYTE) advanced;
- if (FileHandle = Open("PROGDIR:Saga.config", MODE_NEWFILE))
- { Write(FileHandle, IOBuffer, CONFIGLENGTH);
- Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- } }
- exit(rc); // End of program.
- }
- AGLOBAL void say(SLONG position)
- { AUTO SLONG length;
- PERSIST TEXT oldupper[80 + 1] = "";
- length = strlen(saystring);
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- if (position == UPPER)
- { if (strcmp(saystring, oldupper))
- { RectFill
- ( MainWindowPtr->RPort,
- 639, MESSAGEY + 7
- );
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, WHITE);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 4, MESSAGEY + 6);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, saystring, length);
- strcpy(oldupper, saystring);
- } }
- else
- { // assert(position == LOWER);
- RectFill
- ( MainWindowPtr->RPort,
- 0, MESSAGEY + 10,
- 639, MESSAGEY + 27
- );
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, WHITE);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 4, MESSAGEY + 16);
- if (length > 79)
- { Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, saystring, 79);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 4, MESSAGEY + 26);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, &saystring[79], length - 79);
- } else
- { Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, saystring, length);
- } } }
- AGLOBAL SLONG getevent(SLONG mode, SLONG* countertype)
- { AUTO UWORD code,
- qual;
- AUTO ULONG class;
- AUTO struct IntuiMessage* MsgPtr;
- AUTO LONG country;
- AUTO SLONG counter,
- ticks = 0;
- AUTO WORD mousex, mousey;
- AUTO struct MenuItem* ItemPtr;
- PERSIST SLONG cheat = 0;
- /* return codes:
- -4: Escape
- -3: spacebar
- -2: backspace
- -1: invalid country */
- switch (mode)
- {
- case ANYKEY:
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OK, "OK")
- );
- break;
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YES, "Yes"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO, "No")
- );
- break;
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GLORY, "Glory"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LUCK, "Luck")
- );
- break;
- hint
- ( (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WITHDRAW, "Withdraw"),
- (STRPTR) GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RESTART, "Restart")
- );
- break;
- default:
- // Routines which use MULTIKEYBOARD or COUNTER or COUNTRY must call hint() themselves
- // assert(0);
- break;
- }
- clearkybd();
- while(1)
- { Wait(1L << MainWindowPtr->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while (MsgPtr = (struct IntuiMessage *) GT_GetIMsg(MainWindowPtr->UserPort))
- { class = MsgPtr->Class;
- code = MsgPtr->Code;
- mousex = MsgPtr->MouseX;
- mousey = MsgPtr->MouseY;
- qual = MsgPtr->Qualifier;
- if (class == IDCMP_MENUVERIFY && code == MENUHOT && mousey > TBSIZE)
- { if (!(qual & IEQUALIFIER_RCOMMAND))
- { MsgPtr->Code = MENUCANCEL;
- } }
- GT_ReplyIMsg(MsgPtr);
- switch(class)
- {
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(MainWindowPtr);
- GT_EndRefresh(MainWindowPtr, TRUE);
- break;
- if
- ( code == SELECTDOWN
- )
- { counter = checkcounters(mousex, mousey, countertype);
- if (counter == -1)
- { country = checkcountry(mousex, mousey);
- if (country >= 0)
- { infowindow(KINGDOM, country);
- } else
- { summarywindow();
- } }
- else
- { infowindow(*(countertype), counter);
- } }
- else
- { switch(mode)
- {
- case ANYKEY:
- return('0');
- break;
- return(onekey[ONEKEY_YES]);
- break;
- return(onekey[ONEKEY_GLORY]);
- break;
- return(onekey[ONEKEY_WITHDRAW]);
- break;
- case COUNTER:
- case COUNTRY:
- if (mousey >= MESSAGEY)
- { return(-3);
- }
- counter = checkcounters(mousex, mousey, countertype);
- if (counter == -1)
- { country = checkcountry(mousex, mousey);
- *(countertype) = KINGDOM;
- flash(country);
- return(country);
- } else
- { if (mode == COUNTER)
- { return(counter);
- }
- // assert(mode == COUNTRY);
- if (*(countertype) == HERO)
- { flash(hero[counter].where);
- return(hero[counter].where);
- } elif (*(countertype) == JARL)
- { flash(jarl[counter].where);
- return(jarl[counter].where);
- } elif (*(countertype) == MONSTER)
- { flash(monster[counter].where);
- return(monster[counter].where);
- } elif (*(countertype) == SORD)
- { flash(sord[counter].where);
- return(sord[counter].where);
- } elif (*(countertype) == TREASURE)
- { flash(treasure[counter].where);
- return(treasure[counter].where);
- } }
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- } } }
- elif
- ( (code == MIDDLEDOWN || code == MENUUP)
- )
- { if (mode == MULTIKEYBOARD)
- { return('0');
- } elif (mode == YNKEYBOARD)
- { return(onekey[ONEKEY_NO]);
- } elif (mode == GLKEYBOARD)
- { return(onekey[ONEKEY_LUCK]);
- } elif (mode == WRKEYBOARD)
- { return(onekey[ONEKEY_RESTART]);
- } elif (mode != ANYKEY || tickspeed[speed] == -1)
- { return(-3);
- } }
- break;
- if (mode == ANYKEY && tickspeed[speed] != -1)
- { ticks++;
- if (ticks >= tickspeed[speed])
- { return(-3);
- } }
- counter = checkcounters(mousex, mousey, countertype);
- if (counter == -1)
- { country = checkcountry(mousex, mousey);
- *(countertype) = KINGDOM;
- showcountry(country);
- } else
- { if (*(countertype) == HERO)
- { saywho(HERO, counter, FALSE, FALSE);
- strcat(saystring, "(");
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[counter].strength);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[counter].moves);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, ")");
- say(UPPER);
- } elif (*(countertype) == JARL)
- { if (jarl[counter].face == FACEDOWN)
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNKNOWN_JARL, "Unknown jarl"));
- strcat(saystring, " (?-?)");
- } else
- { saywho(JARL, counter, FALSE, FALSE);
- strcat(saystring, "(");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[counter].strength);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[counter].moves);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, ")");
- }
- say(UPPER);
- } elif (*(countertype) == MONSTER)
- { strcpy(saystring, monstertypes[monster[counter].species]);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, monster[counter].name);
- strcat(saystring, " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, monster[counter].strength);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, monster[counter].moves);
- strcat(saystring, numberstring);
- strcat(saystring, ")");
- say(UPPER);
- } elif (*(countertype) == TREASURE)
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_THE, "The"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, treasure[counter].name);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TREASURE2, "treasure"));
- say(UPPER);
- } elif (*(countertype) == SORD)
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SWORD, "Sword"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, sord[counter].name);
- say(UPPER);
- } }
- break;
- if (code == ' ' && (mode != ANYKEY || tickspeed[speed] == -1))
- { return(-3);
- } elif (code == 27) // Escape
- { cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- } elif (mode != ANYKEY || tickspeed[speed] == -1)
- { return(-4);
- } }
- elif
- || mode == GLKEYBOARD
- || mode == YNKEYBOARD
- || mode == WRKEYBOARD
- || (mode == ANYKEY && tickspeed[speed] == -1)
- )
- { code = toupper(code);
- return((SLONG) code);
- } elif (code == 8) // backspace
- { if (mode != ANYKEY || tickspeed[speed] == -1)
- { return(-2);
- } }
- break;
- switch(code)
- {
- case HELP:
- { summarywindow();
- } else
- { counter = checkcounters(mousex, mousey, countertype);
- if (counter == -1)
- { country = checkcountry(mousex, mousey);
- if (country >= 0)
- { infowindow(KINGDOM, country);
- } else
- { summarywindow();
- } }
- else
- { infowindow(*(countertype), counter);
- } }
- break;
- default:
- if
- ( ( mode == MULTIKEYBOARD
- || (mode == ANYKEY && tickspeed[speed] == -1)
- )
- && code < KEYUP
- )
- { if (code == SCAN_F1 + cheat)
- { cheat++;
- if (cheat == 5)
- { cheat = 0;
- hero[BEOWULF].luck = 5000;
- DisplayBeep(ScreenPtr);
- } }
- else cheat = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- while (code != MENUNULL)
- { ItemPtr = ItemAddress(MenuPtr, code);
- switch (MENUNUM(code))
- {
- case MN_PROJECT:
- switch (ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- case IN_NEW:
- return(-4);
- case IN_SAVE:
- savegame(FALSE);
- break;
- case IN_SAVEAS:
- savegame(TRUE);
- break;
- case IN_QUIT:
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- default:
- // IN_OPEN
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch(ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- if (ItemPtr->Flags & CHECKED)
- { titlebar = TRUE;
- } else
- { titlebar = FALSE;
- }
- ShowTitle(ScreenPtr, titlebar);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MN_HELP:
- switch(ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- summarywindow();
- break;
- case IN_HELP_1:
- docwindow(1);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_2:
- docwindow(2);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_3:
- docwindow(3);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_4:
- docwindow(4);
- break;
- case IN_ABOUT:
- helpabout();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- code = ItemPtr->NextSelect;
- }
- break;
- default: // IDCMP_MENUVERIFY, etc.
- break;
- } } } }
- MODULE void newgame(void)
- { SLONG whichhero, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichcountry, whichslot,
- whichtreasure, whichsord;
- pathname[0] = 0;
- /* 0. SET UP
- "Divide the counters into four piles, keeping the heroes separate.
- The four piles, all face down, should be: monsters of all sorts,
- jarls, magic weapons [(swords)], and magic treasures.
- Each player picks a hero counter to represent him or her in the game.
- Players roll dice if two or more people want the same counter, and
- high roll chooses first." */
- reset_images();
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { hero[whichhero].strength = HERO_STRENGTH;
- hero[whichhero].moves = HERO_MOVES;
- hero[whichhero].name = trueheroname[whichhero];
- hero[whichhero].attacking =
- hero[whichhero].defending =
- hero[whichhero].alive = FALSE;
- hero[whichhero].verydead = TRUE;
- hero[whichhero].glory =
- hero[whichhero].luck =
- hero[whichhero].wealth = 0;
- hero[whichhero].rune = -1;
- deselect_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- remove_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { jarl[whichjarl].hero = -1;
- jarl[whichjarl].wealth = 0;
- jarl[whichjarl].attacking =
- jarl[whichjarl].defending =
- jarl[whichjarl].alive =
- jarl[whichjarl].taken = FALSE;
- deselect_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- remove_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { monster[whichmonster].alive = FALSE;
- monster[whichmonster].taken = FALSE;
- deselect_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
- remove_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
- }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { remove_treasure(whichtreasure, FALSE);
- treasure[whichtreasure].taken = FALSE;
- treasure[whichtreasure].possessor =
- treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype =
- treasure[whichtreasure].where = -1;
- }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { remove_sord(whichsord, FALSE);
- sord[whichsord].taken = FALSE;
- sord[whichsord].possessor =
- sord[whichsord].possessortype =
- sord[whichsord].where = -1;
- }
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].hero = -1;
- world[whichcountry].is = FALSE;
- for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
- { world[whichcountry].slot[whichslot] = FALSE;
- } }
- screenoff();
- SetRast(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- darken();
- drawmap();
- screenon();
- /* "Each player then picks a magic sword at random from the face-down
- pile. Magic swords will not be given out again in the game and so all
- of the left-over magic swords are put aside until the next game." */
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control != NONE)
- { /* "Heroes begin the game in a randomly determined area (found in the
- same manner as monsters are placed). This area should be noted on the
- record sheet, as it is sometimes necessary to know a hero's home
- country." */
- newhero(whichhero, TRUE);
- } }
- place_monsters();
- place_jarls();
- refreshcounters();
- turn = 1;
- faxirides = 3;
- }
- MODULE void clearkybd(void)
- { struct IntuiMessage* MsgPtr;
- while (MsgPtr = (struct IntuiMessage *) GT_GetIMsg(MainWindowPtr->UserPort))
- GT_ReplyIMsg(MsgPtr);
- }
- MODULE void titlescreen(void)
- { AUTO FLAG done;
- AUTO SLONG whichhero;
- AUTO struct IntuiMessage* MsgPtr;
- AUTO ULONG class;
- AUTO UWORD code, qual;
- AUTO struct Gadget* addr;
- AUTO struct MenuItem* ItemPtr;
- AUTO TEXT sgtext[40 + 1];
- loaded =
- gameover = FALSE;
- SetWindowTitles(MainWindowPtr, (UBYTE *) -1, TITLEBAR); // this is not copied, it is a pointer
- drawlogo();
- if (first)
- { first = FALSE;
- } else
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { GT_SetGadgetAttrs(CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero], MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, FALSE, TAG_DONE);
- }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SpeedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, FALSE, TAG_DONE);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(AdvancedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, FALSE, TAG_DONE);
- RefreshGadgets(GListPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL);
- }
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, WHITE);
- SetDrMd(MainWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 212, 208 + TBSIZE + (whichhero * 13));
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, cycleheroname[whichhero], 10);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 212 + (cycleheropos[whichhero] * 8), 208 + TBSIZE + (whichhero * 13) + 1);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, "_", 1);
- }
- strcpy(sgtext, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MESSAGE_DELAY, "Message Delay:"));
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 292 - (strlen(sgtext) * 8), 305 + TBSIZE);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, sgtext, strlen(sgtext));
- strcpy(sgtext, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ADVANCED_MODE, "Advanced Mode?"));
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 292 - (strlen(sgtext) * 8), 329 + TBSIZE);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, sgtext, strlen(sgtext));
- if (cliload)
- { if (loadgame(FALSE))
- { loaded = TRUE;
- } else
- { cliload = FALSE;
- } }
- if (!cliload)
- { done = FALSE;
- do
- { Wait(1L << MainWindowPtr->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while (MsgPtr = (struct IntuiMessage *) GT_GetIMsg(MainWindowPtr->UserPort))
- { addr = (struct Gadget *) MsgPtr->IAddress;
- class = MsgPtr->Class;
- code = MsgPtr->Code;
- qual = MsgPtr->Qualifier;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(MsgPtr);
- switch (class)
- {
- if (!(qual & IEQUALIFIER_REPEAT))
- { switch (code)
- {
- case SCAN_F1:
- cycle(0, qual);
- break;
- case SCAN_F2:
- cycle(1, qual);
- break;
- case SCAN_F3:
- cycle(2, qual);
- break;
- case SCAN_F4:
- cycle(3, qual);
- break;
- case SCAN_F5:
- cycle(4, qual);
- break;
- case SCAN_F6:
- cycle(5, qual);
- break;
- case HELP:
- helpabout();
- break;
- case SCAN_LEFT:
- if (speed > 0)
- { if
- || (qual & IEQUALIFIER_LALT)
- || (qual & IEQUALIFIER_RALT)
- )
- { speed = 0;
- } else speed--;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SpeedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GTSL_Level, speed, TAG_DONE);
- }
- break;
- case SCAN_RIGHT:
- if (speed < 6)
- { if
- || (qual & IEQUALIFIER_LALT)
- || (qual & IEQUALIFIER_RALT)
- )
- { speed = 6;
- } else speed++;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SpeedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GTSL_Level, speed, TAG_DONE);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- break;
- code = toupper(code);
- switch(code)
- {
- case ' ':
- case 13: // Return or Enter
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- case 27: // Escape
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- case '1':
- case 'B':
- case '!':
- cycle(0, qual);
- break;
- case '2':
- case 'U':
- case '@':
- cycle(1, qual);
- break;
- case '3':
- case 'E':
- case '#':
- cycle(2, qual);
- break;
- case '4':
- case 'R':
- case '$':
- cycle(3, qual);
- break;
- case '5':
- case 'S':
- case '%':
- cycle(4, qual);
- break;
- case '6':
- case 'T':
- case '^':
- cycle(5, qual);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- while (code != MENUNULL)
- { ItemPtr = ItemAddress(MenuPtr, code);
- switch (MENUNUM(code))
- {
- case MN_PROJECT:
- switch (ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- case IN_NEW:
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- case IN_OPEN:
- if (loadgame(TRUE))
- { done = TRUE;
- loaded = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case IN_QUIT:
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch(ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- if (ItemPtr->Flags & CHECKED)
- { titlebar = TRUE;
- } else
- { titlebar = FALSE;
- }
- ShowTitle(ScreenPtr, titlebar);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MN_HELP:
- switch(ITEMNUM(code))
- {
- case IN_HELP_1:
- docwindow(1);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_2:
- docwindow(2);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_3:
- docwindow(3);
- break;
- case IN_HELP_4:
- docwindow(4);
- break;
- case IN_ABOUT:
- helpabout();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- code = ItemPtr->NextSelect;
- }
- break;
- if (code == SELECTDOWN && !(qual & IEQUALIFIER_REPEAT))
- { done = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(MainWindowPtr);
- GT_EndRefresh(MainWindowPtr, TRUE);
- break;
- if (addr == SpeedGadgetPtr)
- { speed = code;
- } elif (addr == AdvancedGadgetPtr)
- { if (AdvancedGadgetPtr->Flags & GFLG_SELECTED)
- { advanced = TRUE;
- monsters = 30;
- treasures = 5;
- } else
- { advanced = FALSE;
- monsters = 26;
- treasures = 3;
- } }
- else
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (addr == CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero])
- { hero[whichhero].control = code;
- break;
- } } }
- break;
- cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- if (done)
- { done = FALSE;
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control != NONE)
- { done = TRUE;
- break;
- } }
- if (!done)
- { ; // DisplayBeep(ScreenPtr); // no heroes active
- } }
- } while (!done);
- }
- cliload = FALSE;
- if (!loaded)
- { for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { GT_SetGadgetAttrs(CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero], MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SpeedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(AdvancedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- } }
- MODULE void helpabout(void)
- { SBYTE line;
- FLAG done = FALSE;
- ULONG class;
- UWORD code, qual;
- struct IntuiMessage* MsgPtr;
- if (!(HelpWindowPtr = (struct Window *) OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Title, abouttitle,
- WA_Gadgets, NULL,
- WA_CustomScreen, ScreenPtr,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- )
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open About... window!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else
- { SetAPen(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, LIGHTGREY);
- RectFill(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, 8, 13, ABOUTXPIXEL - 10, ABOUTYPIXEL - 6);
- SetAPen(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- SetDrMd(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- for (line = 0; line <= ABOUTLINES; line++)
- { Move(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, about[line].x, about[line].y);
- Text(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, about[line].text, (SBYTE) strlen(about[line].text));
- }
- DrawBevelBox(HelpWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 20, 44 + 4, 38 + 4, GT_VisualInfo, VisualInfoPtr, GTBB_Recessed, TRUE, TAG_END);
- drawabout();
- if (aga)
- { boingball();
- }
- while (!done)
- { if (aga)
- { DrawGels();
- } else
- { Wait(1L << HelpWindowPtr->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- }
- while (MsgPtr = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg(HelpWindowPtr->UserPort))
- { class = MsgPtr->Class;
- code = MsgPtr->Code;
- qual = MsgPtr->Qualifier;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) MsgPtr);
- switch (class)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- if (!(qual & IEQUALIFIER_REPEAT) && code < KEYUP && (code < FIRSTQUALIFIER || code > LASTQUALIFIER))
- { if
- ( code == ESCAPE
- )
- { cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- } else
- { done = TRUE;
- } }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } } }
- if (aga)
- { unboingball();
- }
- CloseWindow(HelpWindowPtr);
- HelpWindowPtr = NULL;
- clearkybd();
- } }
- MODULE void resettime(void)
- { struct timerequest* TimerIORequestPtr;
- struct timeval timeval;
- if (!(TimerIORequestPtr = (struct timerequest *) AllocVec(sizeof(struct timerequest), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Out of memory!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_MICROHZ, (struct IORequest *) TimerIORequestPtr, 0))
- { FreeVec(TimerIORequestPtr);
- DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open timer.device!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- TimerBase = (struct Library *) TimerIORequestPtr->tr_node.io_Device;
- GetSysTime(&timeval);
- srand((UWORD) timeval.tv_micro);
- // no need to abort timer I/O requests, as we never send any
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) TimerIORequestPtr);
- FreeVec(TimerIORequestPtr);
- }
- MODULE FLAG loadgame(FLAG aslwindow)
- { SLONG offset = 12, whichhero, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichcountry,
- whichslot, whichtreasure, whichsord;
- TEXT newpathname[255];
- BPTR FileHandle /* = NULL */ ;
- FLAG ok;
- if (aslwindow)
- { if
- ( AslRequestTags
- ( ASLRqPtr,
- ASL_Hail, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOAD_GAME, "Load Game"),
- )
- && *(ASLRqPtr->rf_File)
- )
- { strcpy(newpathname, ASLRqPtr->rf_Dir);
- AddPart(newpathname, ASLRqPtr->rf_File, 254);
- ok = TRUE;
- } else
- { ok = FALSE;
- } }
- else
- { ok = TRUE;
- strcpy(newpathname, pathname);
- }
- if (ok)
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOADING, "Loading"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, "...");
- say(LOWER);
- if (!(FileHandle = Open(newpathname, MODE_OLDFILE)))
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CANT_OPEN, "Can't open"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FOR_READING, "for reading"));
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- say(LOWER);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- // read file
- if (Read(FileHandle, IOBuffer, SAVELENGTH) != SAVELENGTH)
- { Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CANT_READ_FROM, "Can't read from"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- say(LOWER);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (strcmp(IOBuffer, "SAGA 1.4 "))
- { Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- strcpy(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_I_N_A_V_S_G_F, "is not a valid saved game file"));
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- say(LOWER);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- turn = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[10]);
- faxirides = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[11]);
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { hero[whichhero].control = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].alive = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].verydead = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].moves = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].god = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].rune = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].where = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].homewhere = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].promoted = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].wounded = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++] );
- hero[whichhero].wealth = (SLONG) ((IOBuffer[offset++] * 256) + IOBuffer[offset++]);
- hero[whichhero].glory = (SLONG) ((IOBuffer[offset++] * 256) + IOBuffer[offset++]);
- hero[whichhero].luck = (SLONG) ((IOBuffer[offset++] * 256) + IOBuffer[offset++]);
- hero[whichhero].sea = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- hero[whichhero].loseturn = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- hero[whichhero].maidens = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { jarl[whichjarl].where = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].homewhere = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].face = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].hero = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].taken = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].sea = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].loseturn = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- jarl[whichjarl].alive = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { monster[whichmonster].taken = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- monster[whichmonster].alive = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- monster[whichmonster].where = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- monster[whichmonster].wealth = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- monster[whichmonster].sea = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- offset++; // skip monster[].loseturn
- }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { treasure[whichtreasure].taken = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- treasure[whichtreasure].possessor = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- treasure[whichtreasure].where = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { sord[whichsord].taken = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- sord[whichsord].possessor = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- sord[whichsord].possessortype = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- sord[whichsord].where = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- }
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 35; whichcountry++)
- { world[whichcountry].hero = (SLONG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- world[whichcountry].is = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset++]);
- }
- advanced = (FLAG) ((SBYTE) IOBuffer[offset]); // ++ is not needed
- // no need to read version string
- Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- strcpy(pathname, newpathname);
- if (advanced)
- { treasures = 5;
- monsters = 30;
- } else
- { treasures = 3;
- monsters = 26;
- }
- screenoff();
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { GT_SetGadgetAttrs(CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero], MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SpeedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(AdvancedGadgetPtr, MainWindowPtr, NULL, GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- screenon();
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 65; whichcountry++)
- { for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
- { world[whichcountry].slot[whichslot] = FALSE;
- } }
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].promoted == -1)
- { hero[whichhero].name = trueheroname[whichhero];
- hero[whichhero].strength = HERO_STRENGTH;
- hero[whichhero].moves = HERO_MOVES;
- } else
- { hero[whichhero].name = jarl[hero[whichhero].promoted].name;
- hero[whichhero].strength = jarl[hero[whichhero].promoted].strength;
- hero[whichhero].moves = jarl[hero[whichhero].promoted].moves;
- }
- deselect_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- if (hero[whichhero].alive)
- { move_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- } else
- { remove_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
- } }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { jarl[whichjarl].recruitable = FALSE;
- if (jarl[whichjarl].alive)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].face == FACEUP)
- { revealjarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- } else
- { // assert(jarl[whichjarl].face == FACEDOWN);
- hidejarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- }
- move_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- } else
- { remove_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
- } }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { if (monster[whichmonster].alive)
- { move_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
- } else
- { remove_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
- } }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { if (treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == -1)
- { move_treasure(whichtreasure, FALSE);
- } }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { if (sord[whichsord].possessor == -1)
- { move_sord(whichsord, FALSE);
- } }
- darken();
- drawmap();
- refreshcounters();
- if (faxirides == -1)
- { faxirides = 0;
- treasure_disappear(FREYFAXI);
- }
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOADED, "Loaded"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, pathname);
- strcat(saystring, ".");
- say(LOWER);
- return(TRUE);
- } }
- MODULE void savegame(FLAG saveas)
- { SLONG offset = 12, whichhero, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichcountry,
- whichtreasure, whichsord;
- FLAG cont = TRUE;
- TEXT newpathname[255];
- BPTR FileHandle /* = NULL */ ;
- strcpy(newpathname, pathname);
- if (saveas || newpathname[0] == 0)
- { if
- ( AslRequestTags
- ( ASLRqPtr,
- ASL_Hail, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SAVE_GAME, "Save Game"),
- )
- && *(ASLRqPtr->rf_File) != 0
- )
- { strcpy(newpathname, ASLRqPtr->rf_Dir);
- AddPart(newpathname, ASLRqPtr->rf_File, 254);
- } else
- { cont = FALSE;
- } }
- if (!cont)
- { return;
- }
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SAVING, "Saving"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, "...");
- say(LOWER);
- if (!(FileHandle = Open(newpathname, MODE_NEWFILE)))
- { strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CANT_OPEN, "Can't open"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FOR_WRITING, "for writing"));
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- say(LOWER);
- anykey();
- return;
- }
- /* write header
- SAGA 1.4 *#%
- 012345678901
- where * is NULL byte and # is turn and % is faxi rides */
- strcpy(IOBuffer, "SAGA 1.4 ");
- IOBuffer[10] = (SBYTE) turn;
- IOBuffer[11] = (SBYTE) faxirides;
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].control;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].alive;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].verydead;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].moves;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].god;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].rune;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].where;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].homewhere;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].promoted;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].wounded;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].wealth / 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].wealth % 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].glory / 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].glory % 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].luck / 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (UBYTE) (hero[whichhero].luck % 256);
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].sea;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].loseturn;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) hero[whichhero].maidens;
- }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].where;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].homewhere;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].face;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].hero;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].taken;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].sea;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].loseturn;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) jarl[whichjarl].alive;
- }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) monster[whichmonster].taken;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) monster[whichmonster].alive;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) monster[whichmonster].where;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) monster[whichmonster].wealth;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) monster[whichmonster].sea;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) 0; // skip monster loseturn
- }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) treasure[whichtreasure].taken;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) treasure[whichtreasure].possessor;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) treasure[whichtreasure].where;
- }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) sord[whichsord].taken;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) sord[whichsord].possessor;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) sord[whichsord].possessortype;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) sord[whichsord].where;
- }
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 35; whichcountry++)
- { IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) world[whichcountry].hero;
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) world[whichcountry].is;
- }
- IOBuffer[offset++] = (SBYTE) advanced;
- Printf("%ld bytes written.\n", offset);
- #endif
- if (Write(FileHandle, IOBuffer, offset) != offset)
- { Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CANT_WRITE_TO, "Can't write to"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, newpathname);
- strcat(saystring, "!");
- say(LOWER);
- anykey();
- return;
- }
- /* write version string */
- Write(FileHandle, VERSION, strlen(VERSION));
- Close(FileHandle);
- // FileHandle = NULL;
- strcpy(pathname, newpathname);
- strcpy(saystring, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SAVED, "Saved"));
- strcat(saystring, " ");
- strcat(saystring, pathname);
- strcat(saystring, ".");
- say(LOWER);
- // no need for anykey(), as there is one when we return anyway.
- }
- AGLOBAL void darken(void)
- { SLONG whichcountry, colour;
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 35; whichcountry++)
- { if (whichcountry >= 9 && whichcountry <= 11)
- { colour = whichcountry + 80;
- } else
- { colour = whichcountry + 8;
- }
- if (world[whichcountry].is)
- { SetRGB4(&ScreenPtr->ViewPort, colour, 12, 12, 12); // light grey ice
- } elif (world[whichcountry].hero != -1)
- { SetRGB4
- ( &ScreenPtr->ViewPort,
- colour,
- herocolour[world[whichcountry].hero].red,
- herocolour[world[whichcountry].hero].green,
- herocolour[world[whichcountry].hero].blue
- );
- } else
- { SetRGB4
- ( &ScreenPtr->ViewPort,
- colour,
- taxcolours[world[whichcountry].tax].red,
- taxcolours[world[whichcountry].tax].green,
- taxcolours[world[whichcountry].tax].blue
- );
- } } }
- MODULE SLONG checkcountry(WORD mousex, WORD mousey)
- { SLONG country;
- country = ReadPixel(MainWindowPtr->RPort, mousex, mousey);
- if (country == 80 || country == 81 || country == 91)
- { country = 11; // Scandia
- } elif (country == 82 || country == 83)
- { country = 30; // Pictland
- } elif (country == 84 || country == 85)
- { country = 31; // Hebrides
- } elif (country == 89)
- { country = 9; // Suder Gotland
- } elif (country == 90)
- { country = 10; // Juteland
- } else
- { country -= 8;
- }
- return(country);
- }
- MODULE void infowindow(SLONG countertype, SLONG whichcounter)
- { SLONG lines,
- leftlines = 0,
- rightlines = 0,
- oldwhichline,
- whichline,
- whichcountry,
- whichjarl,
- whichhero,
- whichtreasure,
- whichsord,
- wide,
- whichmonster;
- FLAG counterrow = FALSE,
- ok;
- if (countertype == HERO)
- { sprintf(label[0], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HERO_NAME, "Hero Name" ));
- sprintf(label[1], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CONTROL, "Control" ));
- sprintf(label[2], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COMBAT_STRENGTH, "Combat Strength"));
- sprintf(label[3], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MOVEMENT_FACTOR, "Movement Factor"));
- sprintf(label[4], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GLORY, "Glory" ));
- sprintf(label[5], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LUCK, "Luck" ));
- sprintf(label[6], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WEALTH, "Wealth" ));
- sprintf(label[8], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HOMELAND, "Homeland" ));
- sprintf(label[9], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAIDENS, "Maidens" ));
- sprintf(label[10], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RUNE, "Rune" ));
- sprintf(label[11], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SWORD, "Sword" ));
- sprintf(label[12], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_STATUS, "Status" ));
- sprintf(label[13], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GOD, "God" ));
- /* If labels beyond [13] are desired, the labels[] array will of
- course to be redimensioned. */
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], hero[whichcounter].name);
- if (hero[whichcounter].control == HUMAN)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HUMAN, "Human"));
- } else
- { // assert(hero[whichcounter].control == AMIGA);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], "Amiga");
- }
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][2], "%ld (%ld/%ld)",
- hero[whichcounter].strength,
- getstrength(HERO, whichcounter, FALSE),
- getstrength(HERO, whichcounter, TRUE)
- );
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][3], "%ld (%ld)",
- hero[whichcounter].moves,
- getusualmoves(HERO, whichcounter)
- );
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][4], "%ld", hero[whichcounter].glory);
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][5], "%ld", hero[whichcounter].luck);
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][6], "%ld", hero[whichcounter].wealth);
- print_location(hero[whichcounter].where, 7);
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][8], "%s (%ld)",
- world[hero[whichcounter].homewhere].name,
- world[hero[whichcounter].homewhere].tax
- );
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][9], "%ld", hero[whichcounter].maidens);
- if (hero[whichcounter].rune == -1)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][10], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- } else
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][10], rune[hero[whichcounter].rune].name);
- }
- ok = FALSE;
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { if
- ( sord[whichsord].possessortype == HERO
- && sord[whichsord].possessor == whichcounter
- )
- { ok = TRUE;
- counterrow = TRUE;
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][11], sord[whichsord].name);
- break; // for speed
- } }
- if (!ok)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][11], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- }
- if (!hero[whichcounter].wounded)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][12], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HEALTHY, "Healthy"));
- } else
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][12], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WOUNDED, "Wounded"));
- }
- switch (hero[whichcounter].god)
- {
- case ODIN:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][13], "Odin");
- break;
- case THOR:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][13], "Thor");
- break;
- case TYR:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][13], "Tyr");
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][13], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- break;
- }
- print_paralyzed(hero[whichcounter].loseturn, 14);
- print_hagall(hero[whichcounter].hagall, 15);
- print_sea(hero[whichcounter].sea, 16);
- print_routed(hero[whichcounter].routed, 17);
- leftlines = 18; // counting from 1
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RECRUITED_JARLS, "Recruited Jarls"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], ":");
- whichline = oldwhichline = 1; // whichline always points to the NEXT line.
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].alive && jarl[whichjarl].hero == whichcounter)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], jarl[whichjarl].name);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[whichjarl].strength);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[whichjarl].moves);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- whichline++;
- } }
- if (whichline == oldwhichline)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- whichline++;
- }
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "");
- whichline++;
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CONQUERED_KINGDOMS, "Conquered Kingdoms"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ":");
- whichline++;
- oldwhichline = whichline;
- for (whichcountry = 0; whichcountry <= 35; whichcountry++)
- { if (world[whichcountry].hero == whichcounter)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], world[whichcountry].name);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, world[whichcountry].tax);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- whichline++;
- } }
- if (whichline == oldwhichline)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- whichline++;
- }
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "");
- whichline++;
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAGIC_TREASURES, "Magic Treasures"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ":");
- whichline++;
- oldwhichline = whichline;
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { if (treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == HERO
- && treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == whichcounter
- )
- { counterrow = TRUE;
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], treasure[whichtreasure].name);
- if (whichtreasure == FREYFAXI)
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, faxirides);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- if (faxirides != 1)
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RIDES2, "rides"));
- } else
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RIDE, "ride"));
- }
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- }
- whichline++;
- } }
- if (whichline == oldwhichline)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- whichline++;
- }
- rightlines = whichline;
- } elif (countertype == MONSTER)
- { sprintf(label[0], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MONSTER_NAME, "Monster Name" ));
- sprintf(label[1], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MONSTER_SPECIES, "Monster Species"));
- sprintf(label[2], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COMBAT_STRENGTH, "Combat Strength"));
- sprintf(label[3], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MOVEMENT_FACTOR, "Movement Factor"));
- sprintf(label[4], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WEALTH, "Wealth" ));
- sprintf(label[8], "%s?", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TREASURE, "Treasure" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], monster[whichcounter].name);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], monstertypes[monster[whichcounter].species]);
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][2],
- "%ld (%ld/%ld)",
- monster[whichcounter].strength,
- getstrength(MONSTER, whichcounter, FALSE),
- getstrength(MONSTER, whichcounter, TRUE)
- );
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][3],
- "%ld (%ld)",
- monster[whichcounter].moves,
- getusualmoves(MONSTER, whichcounter)
- );
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][4], "%ld", monster[whichcounter].wealth);
- print_location(monster[whichcounter].where, 5);
- print_hagall(monster[whichcounter].hagall, 6);
- print_sea(monster[whichcounter].sea, 7);
- ok = FALSE;
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { if
- ( treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == MONSTER
- && treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == whichcounter
- )
- { ok = TRUE;
- break;
- } }
- if (ok)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YES, "Yes"));
- } else
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO, "No"));
- }
- leftlines = 9; // counting from 1
- rightlines = 0;
- } elif (countertype == JARL)
- { sprintf(label[0], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_JARL_NAME, "Jarl Name" ));
- sprintf(label[1], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HERO, "Hero" ));
- sprintf(label[2], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COMBAT_STRENGTH, "Combat Strength"));
- sprintf(label[3], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MOVEMENT_FACTOR, "Movement Factor"));
- sprintf(label[4], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WEALTH, "Wealth" ));
- sprintf(label[6], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HOMELAND, "Homeland" ));
- sprintf(label[7], "%s:", GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SWORD, "Sword" ));
- if (jarl[whichcounter].face == FACEUP)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], jarl[whichcounter].name);
- } else
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"));
- }
- if (jarl[whichcounter].hero == -1)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_KING_NONE, "None"));
- } else
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], hero[jarl[whichcounter].hero].name);
- }
- if (jarl[whichcounter].face == FACEUP)
- { sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][2], "%ld (%ld/%ld)",
- jarl[whichcounter].strength,
- getstrength(JARL, whichcounter, FALSE),
- getstrength(JARL, whichcounter, TRUE)
- );
- } else
- { // assert(jarl[whichcounter].face == FACEDOWN);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"));
- }
- if (jarl[whichcounter].face == FACEUP)
- { sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][3], "%ld (%ld)",
- jarl[whichcounter].moves,
- getusualmoves(JARL, whichcounter)
- );
- } else
- { // assert(jarl[whichcounter].face == FACEDOWN);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"));
- }
- sprintf(line[LEFTSIDE][4], "%ld", jarl[whichcounter].wealth);
- print_location(jarl[whichcounter].where, 5);
- sprintf
- ( line[LEFTSIDE][6], "%s (%ld)",
- world[jarl[whichcounter].homewhere].name,
- world[jarl[whichcounter].homewhere].tax
- );
- ok = FALSE;
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { if
- ( sord[whichsord].possessortype == JARL
- && sord[whichsord].possessor == whichcounter
- )
- { ok = TRUE;
- counterrow = TRUE;
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][7], sord[whichsord].name);
- break; // for speed
- } }
- if (!ok)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][7], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- }
- print_paralyzed(jarl[whichcounter].loseturn, 8);
- print_hagall(jarl[whichcounter].hagall, 9);
- print_sea(jarl[whichcounter].sea, 10);
- print_routed(jarl[whichcounter].routed, 11);
- leftlines = 12; // counting from 1
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAGIC_TREASURES, "Magic Treasures"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], ":");
- whichline = oldwhichline = 1; // whichline always points to the NEXT line.
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { if (treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == JARL
- && treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == whichcounter
- )
- { counterrow = TRUE;
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], treasure[whichtreasure].name);
- if (whichtreasure == FREYFAXI)
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, faxirides);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RIDES2, "rides"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- }
- whichline++;
- } }
- if (whichline == oldwhichline)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- whichline++;
- }
- rightlines = whichline;
- } elif (countertype == TREASURE)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TREASURE_NAME, "Treasure Name"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][0]);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], treasure[whichcounter].name);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOCATION, "Location"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][1]);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], world[treasure[whichcounter].where].name);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_RIDES, "Rides"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][2], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][2]);
- if (whichcounter == FREYFAXI)
- { // assert(faxirides != -1);
- stcl_d(numberstring, faxirides);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][2], numberstring);
- } else
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_N_A, "n/a"));
- }
- line[LEFTSIDE][3][0] = 0; // blank line
- switch (whichcounter)
- {
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_1, "This treasure is worth 20 marks. It may" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_2, "be traded for any item in a dragon's" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_3, "hoard. The wearer moves into the area" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][7], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_4, "adjacent to that of the dragon, and gives"));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_5, "it to the dragon while taking what the" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][9], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_6, "dragon had. The wearer may then see what" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][10], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_7, "he had traded for." ));
- leftlines = 11;
- break;
- case FREYFAXI:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_1, "This treasure is a magic horse that can" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_2, "be ridden only 3 times. It doubles the" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_3, "rider's movement factor." ));
- leftlines = 7;
- break;
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_1, "It adds +1 to the combat strength of the" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_2, "wearer when he is defending. It also adds"));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_3, "+1 to the movement factor of the wearer." ));
- leftlines = 7;
- break;
- case MAILCOAT:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_1, "It adds +2 to the combat strength of the" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_2, "wearer, but only when the wearer is" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_3, "defending." ));
- leftlines = 7;
- break;
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_1, "This treasure can be used only once. It" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_2, "will heal any wounds that the hero is" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_3, "suffering." ));
- leftlines = 7;
- break;
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_1, "This treasure can be used only once. It" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_2, "will teleport the user to any desired" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_3, "location." ));
- leftlines = 7;
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- }
- rightlines = 0;
- } elif (countertype == KINGDOM)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_KINGDOM_NAME, "Kingdom Name"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][0]);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], world[whichcounter].name);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_KING, "King"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][1]);
- if (world[whichcounter].hero == -1)
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_KING_NONE, "None"));
- } else
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], hero[world[whichcounter].hero].name);
- }
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TAXATION_FACTOR, "Taxation Factor"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][2], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][2]);
- stcl_d(numberstring, world[whichcounter].tax);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][2], numberstring);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TYPE, "Type"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][3]);
- if (world[whichcounter].type == LAND)
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LAND, "Land"));
- } elif (world[whichcounter].type == ISLE)
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ISLAND, "Island"));
- } elif (world[whichcounter].type == SEA)
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SEA, "Sea"));
- } else
- { // assert(world[whichcounter].type == PENINSULA);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_PENINSULA, "Peninsula"));
- }
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], "Is (");
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ICE, "ice"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][4], ")?");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][4]);
- if (world[whichcounter].is)
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YES, "Yes"));
- } else
- { strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO, "No"));
- }
- leftlines = 5; // counting from 1
- strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CONTENTS, "Contents"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][0], ":");
- whichline = oldwhichline = 1; // whichline always points to the NEXT line.
- for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
- { if (hero[whichhero].alive && hero[whichhero].where == whichcounter)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HERO, "Hero"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], hero[whichhero].name);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[whichhero].strength);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[whichhero].moves);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- whichline++;
- } }
- for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
- { if (jarl[whichjarl].alive && jarl[whichjarl].where == whichcounter)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- if (jarl[whichjarl].face == FACEUP)
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_JARL, "Jarl"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], jarl[whichjarl].name);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[whichjarl].strength);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, jarl[whichjarl].moves);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- } else
- { strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_UNKNOWN_JARL, "Unknown jarl"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (?-?)");
- }
- whichline++;
- } }
- for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
- { if (monster[whichmonster].alive && monster[whichmonster].where == whichcounter)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], monstertypes[monster[whichmonster].species]);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], monster[whichmonster].name);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " (");
- stcl_d(numberstring, monster[whichmonster].strength);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, monster[whichmonster].moves);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], numberstring);
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], ")");
- whichline++;
- } }
- for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
- { if
- ( treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == KINGDOM
- && treasure[whichtreasure].where == whichcounter
- )
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_THE, "The"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], treasure[whichtreasure].name);
- whichline++;
- } }
- for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
- { if
- ( sord[whichsord].possessortype == KINGDOM
- && sord[whichsord].where == whichcounter
- )
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SWORD, "Sword"));
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], sord[whichsord].name);
- whichline++;
- } }
- if (whichline == oldwhichline)
- { strcpy(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], " ");
- strcat(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NONE, "None"));
- whichline++;
- }
- rightlines = whichline;
- } elif (countertype == SORD)
- { strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SWORD_NAME, "Sword Name"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][0]);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][0], sord[whichcounter].name);
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOCATION, "Location"));
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], ":");
- pad(line[LEFTSIDE][1]);
- strcat(line[LEFTSIDE][1], world[sord[whichcounter].where].name);
- line[LEFTSIDE][2][0] = 0; // blank line
- switch(whichcounter)
- {
- case BALMUNG:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_1, "In any fight where its wielder is" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_2, "attacking an enemy wearing magic armour," ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_3, "it cancels out the benefit of the magic" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_4, "armour. Thus, the Mail Coat and the Magic"));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][7], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_5, "Shirt provide no protection against it." ));
- leftlines = 8;
- break;
- case HRUNTING:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_1, "The other side must flee instead when the"));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_2, "combat result would be that the wielder's"));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_3, "side must flee." ));
- leftlines = 6;
- break;
- case LOVI:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_1, "In any battle against a side including" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_2, "jarls, it adds an additional +2 to the" ));
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_3, "wielder's combat factor." ));
- leftlines = 6;
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(line[LEFTSIDE][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO_SPECIAL_POWERS, "No special powers."));
- leftlines = 4;
- break;
- }
- rightlines = 0;
- }
- if (leftlines >= rightlines)
- { lines = leftlines;
- } else
- { lines = rightlines;
- }
- if (rightlines > 0)
- { wide = 1;
- } else
- { wide = 0;
- }
- if (!(InfoWindowPtr = (struct Window *) OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Left, (SCREENXPIXEL / 2) - ((360 + (280 * wide )) / 2),
- WA_Top, (SCREENYPIXEL / 2) - (( 30 + ( 10 * lines)) / 2),
- WA_Width, 360 + (280 * wide ),
- WA_Height, 30 + ( 10 * lines),
- WA_Title, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_INFORMATION, "Information"),
- WA_Gadgets, NULL,
- WA_CustomScreen, ScreenPtr,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- )
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open information window!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- SetAPen(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, LIGHTGREY);
- RectFill(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 8, 13, 360 + (280 * wide) - 10, 30 + (10 * lines) - 6);
- SetAPen(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- SetDrMd(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- if (countertype == HERO || countertype == JARL || countertype == MONSTER)
- { for (whichline = 0; whichline < leftlines; whichline++)
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 26 + (whichline * 10));
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, label[whichline], strlen(label[whichline]));
- Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16 + (22 * 8), 26 + (whichline * 10));
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[LEFTSIDE][whichline], strlen(line[LEFTSIDE][whichline]));
- } }
- else
- { for (whichline = 0; whichline < leftlines; whichline++)
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 26 + (whichline * 10));
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[LEFTSIDE][whichline], strlen(line[LEFTSIDE][whichline]));
- } }
- if (wide)
- { for (whichline = 0; whichline < rightlines; whichline++)
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 360 + 16, 26 + (whichline * 10));
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline], strlen(line[RIGHTSIDE][whichline]));
- } }
- if (counterrow)
- { info(countertype, whichcounter);
- }
- infoloop();
- }
- MODULE void flash(SLONG country)
- { SLONG colour;
- if (country < 0 || country > 65)
- { return;
- }
- if (country == 9)
- { colour = 89; // Suder Gotland
- } elif (country == 10)
- { colour = 90; // Juteland
- } elif (country == 11)
- { colour = 91; // Scandia
- } else
- { colour = country + 8;
- }
- SetRGB4(&ScreenPtr->ViewPort, colour, 15, 15, 15); // white flash
- Delay(2); // hold the flash
- if (country >= 36)
- { SetRGB4(&ScreenPtr->ViewPort, colour, 0, 0, 9); // dark blue
- } elif (world[country].hero != -1)
- { SetRGB4
- ( &ScreenPtr->ViewPort,
- colour,
- herocolour[world[country].hero].red,
- herocolour[world[country].hero].green,
- herocolour[world[country].hero].blue
- );
- } elif (world[country].is)
- { SetRGB4(&ScreenPtr->ViewPort, colour, 12, 12, 12); // light grey ice
- } else
- { SetRGB4
- ( &ScreenPtr->ViewPort,
- colour,
- taxcolours[world[country].tax].red,
- taxcolours[world[country].tax].green,
- taxcolours[world[country].tax].blue
- );
- } }
- MODULE void summarywindow(void)
- { SLONG count,
- i, j,
- length,
- lines = 0;
- FLAG ok;
- strcpy(line[0][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SUMMARYLINE, "Hero Name C-M J K S T C S R Glry Luck $$$$"));
- /* Hero Name C-M J K S T C S R Glry Luck $$$$
- o o a i w r o t u
- m v r n o e n a n
- b e l g r a t t e
- a m s d d s r u
- t e o u o s
- n m r l
- t s e
- s
- Heldenname K-B J K S S K S @ Ruhm Glck $$$$
- a e a ö c c o t @
- m w r n h h n a @
- p e l i w ä t t @
- f g s g e t r u @
- u r r z o s @
- n e t e l
- g i l
- s c e
- h
- e */
- for (i = 0; i <= HEROES; i++)
- { if (hero[i].control != NONE)
- { lines++;
- strcpy(line[0][lines], hero[i].name);
- length = strlen(hero[i].name);
- for (j = length; j < 11; j++)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- }
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[i].strength);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], "-");
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[i].moves);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- count = 0;
- for (j = 0; j <= JARLS; j++)
- { if (jarl[j].alive && jarl[j].hero == i)
- { count++;
- } }
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- count = 0;
- for (j = 0; j <= 35; j++)
- { if (world[j].hero == i)
- { count++;
- } }
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- ok = FALSE;
- for (j = 0; j <= SORDS; j++)
- { if
- ( sord[j].possessortype == HERO
- && sord[j].possessor == i
- )
- { numberstring[0] = sord[j].name[0];
- numberstring[1] = 0;
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- ok = TRUE;
- break;
- } }
- if (!ok)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], "-");
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- count = 0;
- for (j = 0; j <= TREASURES; j++)
- { if
- ( ( treasure[j].possessortype == HERO
- && treasure[j].possessor == i
- )
- || ( treasure[j].possessortype == JARL
- && jarl[treasure[j].possessor].hero == i
- ) )
- { count++;
- } }
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- if (hero[i].control == HUMAN)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_HUMAN, "H"));
- } else
- { // assert(hero[i].control == AMIGA);
- strcat(line[0][lines], "A");
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- if (!hero[i].alive)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_DEAD, "D"));
- } elif (hero[i].wounded)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_WOUNDED, "W"));
- } else
- { strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_CHAR_HEALTHY, "H"));
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- if (hero[i].rune == -1)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], "-");
- } else
- { numberstring[0] = rune[hero[i].rune].name[0];
- numberstring[1] = 0;
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- }
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[i].glory);
- length = strlen(numberstring);
- for (j = length; j < 5; j++)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- stcl_d(numberstring, hero[i].luck);
- length = strlen(numberstring);
- for (j = length; j < 5; j++)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- count = hero[i].wealth;
- for (j = 0; j <= JARLS; j++)
- { if (jarl[j].alive && jarl[j].hero == i)
- { count += jarl[j].wealth;
- } }
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- length = strlen(numberstring);
- for (j = length; j < 5; j++)
- { strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- }
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- } }
- line[0][++lines][0] = 0;
- count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i <= MONSTERS; i++)
- { if (!monster[i].taken)
- { count++;
- } }
- sprintf
- ( line[0][++lines], "%s:",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MONSTERS_IN_PILE, "Monsters in Pile")
- );
- pad(line[0][lines]);
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OF, "of"));
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- stcl_d(numberstring, MONSTERS + 1);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i <= JARLS; i++)
- { if (!jarl[i].taken)
- { count++;
- } }
- sprintf
- ( line[0][++lines], "%s:",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_JARLS_IN_PILE, "Jarls in Pile")
- );
- pad(line[0][lines]);
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OF, "of"));
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- stcl_d(numberstring, JARLS + 1);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i <= TREASURES; i++)
- { if (!treasure[i].taken)
- { count++;
- } }
- sprintf
- ( line[0][++lines], "%s:",
- GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TREASURES_IN_PILE, "Treasures in Pile")
- );
- pad(line[0][lines]);
- stcl_d(numberstring, count);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- strcat(line[0][lines], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OF, "of"));
- strcat(line[0][lines], " ");
- stcl_d(numberstring, TREASURES + 1);
- strcat(line[0][lines], numberstring);
- if (!(InfoWindowPtr = (struct Window *) OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Top, (SCREENYPIXEL / 2) - ((SUMMARYHEIGHT + (lines * 10)) / 2),
- WA_Height, SUMMARYHEIGHT + (lines * 10),
- WA_Title, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GAME_SUMMARY, "Game Summary"),
- WA_Gadgets, NULL,
- WA_CustomScreen, ScreenPtr,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- )
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open summary window!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- RectFill(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 8, 13, SUMMARYWIDTH - 10, (SUMMARYHEIGHT + (lines * 10)) - 6);
- SetAPen(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- SetDrMd(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 26);
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[0][0], strlen(line[0][0])); // headings
- Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 29);
- Draw(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, SUMMARYWIDTH - 20, 29); // underline
- for (i = 1; i <= lines; i++)
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 28 + (i * 10));
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[0][i], strlen(line[0][i]));
- }
- infoloop();
- }
- AGLOBAL void screenoff(void)
- { if (dbuf)
- { if (!(ScreenBuf[1] = AllocScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, NULL, SB_COPY_BITMAP)))
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't allocate alternate screen buffer!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- WaitTOF();
- while (!(ChangeScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, ScreenBuf[1])));
- } }
- AGLOBAL void screenon(void)
- { WaitTOF();
- if (dbuf)
- { while (!(ChangeScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, ScreenBuf[0])));
- FreeScreenBuffer(ScreenPtr, ScreenBuf[1]);
- ScreenBuf[1] = NULL;
- } }
- AGLOBAL void hint(STRPTR thehint1, STRPTR thehint2)
- { TEXT thehint[19 + 1];
- strcpy(thehint, thehint1);
- strcat(thehint, "/");
- strcat(thehint, thehint2);
- SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, WHITE);
- Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 640 - 4 - ((10 + strlen(thehint1)) * 8), MESSAGEY + 26);
- Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, thehint, strlen(thehint));
- }
- MODULE void cycle(SLONG whichhero, UWORD qual)
- { if (hero[whichhero].control == 0)
- { hero[whichhero].control = 2;
- } else
- { hero[whichhero].control--;
- } }
- else
- { if (hero[whichhero].control == 2)
- { hero[whichhero].control = 0;
- } else
- { hero[whichhero].control++;
- } }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(CycleGadgetPtr[whichhero], MainWindowPtr, NULL, GTCY_Active, hero[whichhero].control, TAG_DONE);
- }
- MODULE void docwindow(SLONG number)
- { SLONG lines = 0, // to avoid spurious compiler warnings
- whichline;
- SWORD width, height;
- switch (number)
- {
- case 1:
- // runes
- strcpy(line[0][0], rune[AMSIR].name);
- strcat(line[0][0], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][0], rune[AMSIR].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_AMSIR_1, "A hero with this rune has twice the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_AMSIR_2, "chance of having the gods notice him." ));
- line[0][3][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][4], rune[EON].name);
- strcat(line[0][4], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][4], rune[EON].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_EON_1, "+1 to movement factor." ));
- line[0][6][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][7], rune[GEOFU].name);
- strcat(line[0][7], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][7], rune[GEOFU].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GEOFU_1, "A hero with this rune will have all the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][9], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GEOFU_2, "areas in his kingdom yield one additional"));
- strcpy(line[0][10], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GEOFU_3, "mark over and above the tax factor each" ));
- strcpy(line[0][11], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_GEOFU_4, "turn." ));
- line[0][12][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][13], rune[ING].name);
- strcat(line[0][13], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][13], rune[ING].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][14], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ING_1, "A hero with this rune can heal his wounds"));
- strcpy(line[0][15], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ING_2, "by spending one turn anywhere at rest." ));
- line[0][16][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][17], rune[OGAL].name);
- strcat(line[0][17], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][17], rune[OGAL].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][18], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_OGAL_1, "+1 to combat strength." ));
- line[0][19][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][20], rune[SYGIL].name);
- strcat(line[0][20], ", ");
- strcat(line[0][20], rune[SYGIL].desc);
- strcpy(line[0][21], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SYGIL_1, "Every time a spell is cast at the hero" ));
- strcpy(line[0][22], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SYGIL_2, "who has this rune, it may not affect the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][23], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SYGIL_3, "hero (though it may affect those in the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][24], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SYGIL_4, "same area with him)." ));
- lines = 25; // counting from 1
- break;
- case 2:
- // spells
- strcpy(line[0][0], "Hagall (");
- strcat(line[0][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAIL, "hail" ));
- strcat(line[0][0], ")");
- strcpy(line[0][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAGALL_1, "Reduces the combat factor of each counter"));
- strcpy(line[0][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAGALL_2, "in the area (including the caster) by one"));
- strcpy(line[0][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAGALL_3, "for the rest of the turn. It also" ));
- strcpy(line[0][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAGALL_4, "prevents any of the counters from moving" ));
- strcpy(line[0][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HAGALL_5, "by sea next turn." ));
- line[0][6][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][7], "Is (");
- strcat(line[0][7], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_ICE, "ice" ));
- strcat(line[0][7], ")");
- strcpy(line[0][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_IS_1, "Makes it impossible for any hero to" ));
- strcpy(line[0][9], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_IS_2, "found, or continue to have a kingdom in" ));
- strcpy(line[0][10], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_IS_3, "that country." ));
- line[0][11][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][12], "Jara (");
- strcat(line[0][12], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOSE_NEXT_TURN, "lose next turn" ));
- strcat(line[0][12], ")");
- strcpy(line[0][13], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_JARA_1, "All in the area lose their next turn." ));
- line[0][14][0] = 0;
- if (!(li.li_Catalog)) // only if running in English
- { strcpy(line[0][15], "Nied (");
- strcat(line[0][15], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_N_R_A_L_N_T, "no result and lose next turn" ));
- strcat(line[0][15], ")");
- } else // German rune description text is too long
- { strcpy(line[0][15], "Nied");
- }
- strcpy(line[0][16], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NIED_1, "Makes the combat result an automatic \"no"));
- strcpy(line[0][17], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NIED_2, "result\" and causes all in the area to" ));
- strcpy(line[0][18], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NIED_3, "lose one turn." ));
- line[0][19][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][20], "Wynn (");
- strcat(line[0][20], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FLEEING, "fleeing" ));
- strcat(line[0][20], ")");
- strcpy(line[0][21], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WYNN_1, "Forces all of the heroes and jarls in the"));
- strcpy(line[0][22], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WYNN_2, "area to flee." ));
- line[0][23][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][24], "Yr (");
- strcat(line[0][24], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_WOUNDING, "wounding" ));
- strcat(line[0][24], ")");
- strcpy(line[0][25], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YR_1, "Causes all counters in the area (except" ));
- strcpy(line[0][26], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YR_2, "face down jarls or monster counters) to" ));
- strcpy(line[0][27], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_YR_3, "be wounded." ));
- lines = 28; // counting from 1
- break;
- case 3:
- // swords
- strcpy(line[0][0], sord[BALMUNG].name);
- strcpy(line[0][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_1, "In any fight where its wielder is" ));
- strcpy(line[0][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_2, "attacking an enemy wearing magic armour," ));
- strcpy(line[0][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_3, "it cancels out the benefit of the magic" ));
- strcpy(line[0][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_4, "armour. Thus, the Mail Coat and the Magic"));
- strcpy(line[0][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BALMUNG_5, "Shirt provide no protection against it." ));
- line[0][6][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][7], sord[DRAGVENDILL].name);
- strcpy(line[0][8], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO_SPECIAL_POWERS, "No special powers." ));
- line[0][9][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][10], sord[GRAM].name);
- strcpy(line[0][11], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO_SPECIAL_POWERS, "No special powers." ));
- line[0][12][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][13], sord[HRUNTING].name);
- strcpy(line[0][14], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_1, "The other side must flee instead when the"));
- strcpy(line[0][15], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_2, "combat result would be that the wielder's"));
- strcpy(line[0][16], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HRUNTING_3, "side must flee." ));
- line[0][17][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][18], sord[LOVI].name);
- strcpy(line[0][19], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_1, "In any battle against a side including" ));
- strcpy(line[0][20], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_2, "jarls, it adds an additional +2 to the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][21], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_LOVI_3, "wielder's combat factor." ));
- line[0][22][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][23], sord[TYRFING].name);
- strcpy(line[0][24], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NO_SPECIAL_POWERS, "No special powers." ));
- lines = 25; // counting from 1
- break;
- case 4:
- // treasures
- strcpy(line[0][0], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_BROSUNG_NECKLACE, "Brosung Necklace" ));
- strcpy(line[0][1], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_1, "This treasure is worth 20 marks. It may" ));
- strcpy(line[0][2], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_2, "be traded for any item in a dragon's" ));
- strcpy(line[0][3], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_3, "hoard. The wearer moves into the area" ));
- strcpy(line[0][4], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_4, "adjacent to that of the dragon, and gives"));
- strcpy(line[0][5], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_5, "it to the dragon while taking what the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][6], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_6, "dragon had. The wearer may then see what" ));
- strcpy(line[0][7], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_NECKLACE_7, "he had traded for." ));
- line[0][8][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][9], "Frey Faxi" );
- strcpy(line[0][10], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_1, "This treasure is a magic horse that can" ));
- strcpy(line[0][11], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_2, "be ridden only 3 times. It doubles the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][12], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_FAXI_3, "rider's movement factor." ));
- line[0][13][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][14], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAGIC_SHIRT, "Magic Shirt" ));
- strcpy(line[0][15], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_1, "It adds +1 to the combat strength of the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][16], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_2, "wearer when he is defending. It also adds"));
- strcpy(line[0][17], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SHIRT_3, "+1 to the movement factor of the wearer." ));
- line[0][18][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][19], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_MAIL_COAT, "Mail Coat" ));
- strcpy(line[0][20], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_1, "It adds +2 to the combat strength of the" ));
- strcpy(line[0][21], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_2, "wearer, but only when the wearer is" ));
- strcpy(line[0][22], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_COAT_3, "defending." ));
- if (advanced)
- { lines = 33; // counting from 1
- line[0][23][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][24], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_HEALING_POTION, "Healing Potion" ));
- strcpy(line[0][25], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_1, "This treasure can be used only once. It" ));
- strcpy(line[0][26], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_2, "will heal any wounds that the hero is" ));
- strcpy(line[0][27], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_POTION_3, "suffering." ));
- line[0][28][0] = 0;
- strcpy(line[0][29], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_TELEPORT_SCROLL, "Teleport Scroll" ));
- strcpy(line[0][30], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_1, "This treasure can be used only once. It" ));
- strcpy(line[0][31], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_2, "will teleport the user to any desired" ));
- strcpy(line[0][32], GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_SCROLL_3, "location." ));
- } else
- { lines = 23;
- }
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- }
- if (number == 1 || number == 2)
- { width = 364;
- } else
- { // assert(number == 3 || number == 4);
- width = 400;
- }
- height = 30 + (10 * lines);
- if (number == 3) // swords
- { height += 4; // because counter image overhangs
- } elif (number == 4 && advanced)
- { height += 14;
- }
- if (!(InfoWindowPtr = (struct Window *) OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Left, (SCREENXPIXEL / 2) - (width / 2),
- WA_Top, (SCREENYPIXEL / 2) - (height / 2),
- WA_Width, width,
- WA_Height, height,
- WA_Title, GetCatalogStr(li.li_Catalog, MSG_INFORMATION, "Information"),
- WA_Gadgets, NULL,
- WA_CustomScreen, ScreenPtr,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- )
- { DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't open information window!\0", 24);
- cleanexit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- SetAPen(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, LIGHTGREY);
- RectFill(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 8, 13, width - 10, height - 6);
- SetAPen(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
- SetDrMd(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, JAM1);
- for (whichline = 0; whichline < lines; whichline++)
- { if (number == 3 || number == 4)
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 52, 26 + (whichline * 10));
- } else
- { Move(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 16, 26 + (whichline * 10));
- }
- if
- ( whichline == 0
- || (number == 1 && (whichline == 4 || whichline == 7 || whichline == 13 || whichline == 17 || whichline == 20))
- || (number == 2 && (whichline == 7 || whichline == 12 || whichline == 15 || whichline == 20 || whichline == 24))
- || (number == 3 && (whichline == 7 || whichline == 10 || whichline == 13 || whichline == 18 || whichline == 23))
- || (number == 4 && (whichline == 9 || whichline == 14 || whichline == 19 || whichline == 24 || whichline == 29))
- )
- { // embolden
- SetSoftStyle(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, FSF_BOLD, FSF_BOLD);
- } else
- { // debolden
- SetSoftStyle(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, NULL, FSF_BOLD);
- }
- Text(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, line[0][whichline], strlen(line[0][whichline]));
- }
- doc(number);
- infoloop();
- }
- MODULE void infoloop(void)
- { FLAG done = FALSE;
- ULONG class;
- UWORD code, qual;
- struct IntuiMessage* MsgPtr;
- while(!done)
- { Wait(1L << InfoWindowPtr->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while (MsgPtr = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg(InfoWindowPtr->UserPort))
- { class = MsgPtr->Class;
- code = MsgPtr->Code;
- qual = MsgPtr->Qualifier;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) MsgPtr);
- switch(class)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- if (!(qual & IEQUALIFIER_REPEAT) && code < KEYUP && (code < FIRSTQUALIFIER || code > LASTQUALIFIER))
- { if
- ( code == ESCAPE
- )
- { cleanexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- } else
- { done = TRUE;
- } }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } } }
- CloseWindow(InfoWindowPtr);
- InfoWindowPtr = NULL;
- clearkybd();
- }
- // EOF at last :-)